Grade: all
Subject: other

#1382. brainteaser

, level: all
Posted Mon Nov 1 10:29:24 PST 1999 by Lyn (
writer, Toronto, ON, Canada
Materials Required: none
Activity Time: 10 min to 1 h
Concepts Taught: logical reasoning

The Mixed Up Cereal Mystery
Last week I bought two boxes of cereal -- a box of Crunchy Crisps and a box of Frosty Crisps. The next morning both boxes were missing, but I did find this note.

Hints for the Mixed Up Cereal Mystery
• Are the Crunchy Crisps hidden?
• If the Crunchy Crisps are hidden, are the Frosty Crisps in the basement?
• If the Frosty Crisps are not in the basement, what is in the basement?
Here's how we solved the mystery.
• The Crunchy Crisps are hidden because both boxes of cereal are hidden.
• The clue says that if the Crunchy Crisps are hidden, the Frosty Crisps are not in the basement. So the Frosty Crisps are not in the basement.
• The note says that one box is in the basement so it must be the Crunchy Crisps.
• We figured out which box of cereal is in the basement so whoever wrote the note needs to tell where the other box is hidden.
• That night I found a note saying that the other box with the Frosty Crisps was in the attic.

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