Grade: Elementary
Subject: Music


Music, level: Elementary
Posted Thu Dec 9 01:47:00 PST 1999 by Tavis Minner (Sivatmin@aol. com).
Houston Elementary, Tulsa, OK
Activity Time: 10 minutes or less
Concepts Taught: To dismiss assemblies in an orderly fashion

Hi! My name is Tavis Minner and I am an elementary music teacher. I have recently written a songbook entitled "RISE AND SHINE" The songbook is filled with songs to help dismiss school assemblies in an orderly fashion. Each song has a fun and catchy chorus. After each chorus, the lyrcis sung ask a certain grade level to stand and be dismissed. The children love singing these fun songs and I know your students will, too! My songbook has been selling around cities in OKLAHOMA and the schools have commented that the their assemblies have dismissed with wonderful success. If you are interested in purchasing "RISE AND SHINE" contact me at and I will give you all the ordering information. THANK YOU.