Grade: Elementary
Subject: Mathematics
Concentration (also called Memory)This game is usually played with pairs of cards. Cards are shuffled and placed face down. Children take turns in picking up two cards at a time. If cards match, they keep them. If not, cards are placed face down again. (It can also be played with children picking up three or four cards at a time, depending on what is written on cards and objectives of the activity.)
Children then remember where cards are placed, for when it's their turn, to collect matches.Some uses:
· number representations - use words, tens and ones, pictorial, numerals and numbers in tens/ones column
- use numerals on cards and different ways of adding numbers to get total on the pair eg one card - 7, other cards - 4+3, 5+2
-addition/subtraction facts - have the fact on one card and the answer on "its pair"
- count-back zero and count-back one cards could have the same answers (eg 5-1 and 4-0 are a match)
-addition - set out algorithms on cards, children solve before finding/picking up the "answer" - answers could be face up or down
-money - matching representations of each coin, eg five cents, 5 cents, 5 c and pictorial
- matching equivalent coins, eg pictures of a fifty cent on one card and pictures of two twenty cents and a ten cent on another, and another combinations on another card
-time - clock face on one card, time in digital numerals/analogue words on another