Grade: Middle

Teachers.Net Lesson Plans

#149. Making Culture Concrete

Social Studies, level: Middle
Posted by Sarah M. Cass (
Peirce Middle School, West Chester, PA U.S.A.
Materials Required: Items representing basics of culture
Activity Time: one class period
Concepts Taught: Basic Elements of Culture

Give each co-operative group some of the following items from one of the basic elements of culture. l)Family pictures of your own nuclear and extended familes (2)Foreign language dictionaries or flash cards (3) foreign or U.S. money, or historic U.S. money (4)postage stamps, voter registration card, driver's license (5)copies of college degree(s) (6) copies of Bible, KLoran, Rosary beads, cross, prayer shawl(as diverse as possible). Have students examine the items and discuss what they represent. a reporter then presents the group ideas. The lesson concludes with a transparency and notes on the "wheel of culture". This is a great way to make this a personal kind of lesson which the kids always relate to.