Grade: Elementary

#150. Helpers in the Community

Social Studies, level: Elementary
Posted Wed Nov 5 10:18:39 PST 2008 by Ms. Finley (Ms. Finley).

WSU, Detroit, MI

The content that will be covered in class is to teach the class that different people in the community have different jobs and duties to keep the community running.


2.G2.01--Knowledge of communities

Learning Resources and Materials

1. paper for writing and drawing
2. pencils and crayons
3. Community Helpers from A-Z by Bobbie Kalman book

Development of Lesson

1. The teacher will read the book
2. As a class they will discuss the different jobs that they learned about
3. They will as a class write on the board the jobs and what it is that the person does
4. Then each student will pick a community helper that was discussed and draw this person in their uniform
5. They will then present the drawing to the class and let the class know why they picked that helper and what makes that helper so important.

The students will be grouped during the reading of the book but then they will be separated to perform their own work.
The teacher will assist students as needed and the book will be available for the students to get more ideas.

The teacher should make sure to monitor the class and answer any questions that the students may have. Assist them in any way possible to make sure they are getting the most out of the lesson.

The teacher should evaluate the class based on their understanding of the job that they picked.

The teacher should walk around the room to see if they are doing the lesson correctly and also by their explanations when they present their pictures.

Teacher Reflection
The teacher can reflect on the lesson by looking over the work and making sure she or he is happy with the progress the students made. They can also make sure that the benchmark is fully met and that they did their best at helping the students grasp the lesson.