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Grade: Elementary
Subject: Reading/Writing
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Outer Space
by Carol WestonI look up from Earth and try to see
The planets looking back at me.
I gaze at bright and distant stars
And search for Mercury, Venus, Mars.I squint at the Milky Way way up high
And look for Jupiter in the sky.
Where are Saturn, Uranus, Neptune?
They're far away, high like the moon.A telescope would be the best
For spotting Pluto and the rest.
I look for planets in the sky.Solar System Math
by Meish GoldishWhat's in our solar system?
Lots of things!Here, let's list them:
9 planets around the sun
+ moons around most every one
+ asteroids flying out in space
+ meteoroids all over the place
+ comets soaring
+ dust
+ gas= our solar system, a giant mass!
Nine Planets
Here are nine planets that we know.
Round and round the Sun they go.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars,
These are the planets near our star.Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, too.
Neptune, Pluto, we can't see you.
These are the nine planets that we know.
Round and round the Sun they go.Gravity
(author unknown)The planets in their galaxy,
brightly dotted stars I see.
In a pattern one by one,
revolving fast around the sun.
While the earth is spinning,
I stay firmly on the ground.
Gravity keeps me in place,
as I spin around in space.
The Farmer in the Dell)
The family of the Sun,
The family of the Sun.
Here are nine planets in
the family of the Sun.Verses:
Mercury is hot,
And Mercury is small.
Mercury has no atmosphere.
It's just a rocky ball.
(Chorus)Venus has thick clouds,
That hide what is below.
The air is foul, the ground is hot,
It rotates very slow.
(chorus)We love the Earth, our home,
Its oceans and its trees.
We eat its food, we breathe its air,
So no pollution, please.
(chorus)Mars is very red.
It's also dry and cold.
Someday you might visit Mars
If you are really bold.
(Chorus)Great Jupiter is big.
We've studied it a lot.
We found it has 16 moons
And a big red spot.
(Chorus)Saturn has great rings.
We wondered what they were.
Now we know they're icy rocks
Which we saw as a blur.
(Chorus)Uranus and Neptune
We don't know much about.
Maybe you will study them
And then we'll all find out.
(Chorus)Pluto's last in line.
It's farthest from the Sun.
It's small and cold and icy too.
To land there won't be fun.The family of the Sun,
The family of the Sun,
There are nine planets and
Now our journey's done.I'M A LITTLE ROCKET
(I'm a Little Teapot)I'm a little rocket
Pointing at the moon.
Now I'm getting fueled up
We'll be ready soon.
When it's time to board me
Then I'll say:
Blast off! Zoom! We're on our way!SOLAR SYSTEM SONG (tune of This Old Man)
Planets go 'round the sun.
Sing about them everyone.With a round, round, go around
Planets 'round the sun
Sing about them everyone.(* chorus)Mercury, number one. It's the closest to the sun. *
Venus bright, number two. Morning and evening star we view.*Planet Earth, number three. We live on it, you and me.*
Planet Mars, number four. Named for a Roman god of war.*Number five, Jupiter. Colored clouds around it stir.*
Number six, big Saturn. Many rings around it turn.*Number seven, Uranus. It looks blue and green to us.*
Number eight, story Neptune. Triton is it's frozen moon.*
Number nine, tiny Pluto. Farthest from the sun, you know.With a round, round, go around
Planets 'round the sun
Sing about them everyone.PLANETS SONG (tune of She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain)
There are nine ol' planets movin' round the Sun (round the Sun)
There are nine ol' planets movin' round the Sun (round the Sun)
There are nine ol' planets movin'
There are nine ol' planets movin'
There are nine ol' planets movin' round the Sun.We have Mercury and Venus, Earth and Mars, (Earth and Mars) ...
Then come Jupiter and Saturn, giant balls, (giant balls) ...At the end you'll find Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, (Neptune Pluto)
Oh give me a home, where the planets roam,
where the comets and the asteroids play,
Where seldom is seen,
a human being,
and the stars twinkle all night and all day.Home, home in the solar system,
where comets and the asteroids play,
where seldom is seen, a human being-
and the stars twinkle all night and all day.by Joanne O'Leary
Copyright 1993 by Apron Strings Press
"Don't Cut the Apron Strings"
ISBN 0-9637759-0-1The Planets Go Spinning
(sing to the tune of "When Johnny Comes Marching Home")Words and Movements
The planets revolve around the sun,
hooray, hooray.
The planets revolve around the sun,
hooray, hooray.
The planets revolve around the sun
And spin on the axis, everyone.
And they go spinning,
Around and around they go!Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
hooray, hooray.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
hooray, hooray.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars,
All whirling and twirling around the stars.
And they all go spinning,
Around and around they go!Jupiter and Saturn are next in line,
hooray, hooray.
Jupiter and Saturn are next in line,
hooray, hooray.
Jupiter and Saturn are next in line,
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto make Nine.
And they all go spinning,
Around and around they go!I wish I could fly high in the universe,
And see what the earth looks like from above.
And be close to the planets and stars,
Maybe even to touch them and walk upon Mars.A little trick/tune I came up with for remembering the actual
names is sung
to the tune of Freres Jacques
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars (Hold left hand up in front of you,
palm facing you. Point to the little finger tip
for Mercury, the ring finger for Venus,
the tall man/middle finger for Earth,
and the pointer finger for Mars...do
this three times)
Mercury, Venus, Earth, MarsJupiter, Saturn, Uranus (for Jupiter, slide your right pointer
the left side of the left pointer finger and up the
side of the thumb
then circle the left thumb for Saturnrings> and then slide your right pointer finger
down the outside edge of your left thumb and across
the bottom of the palm and up to the base of the
little finger....repeat two times.
Jupiter, Saturn, UranusNeptune and Pluto (to follow the idea of revolving, point to the
pad on the
of the left hand...under the base of the little finger, then
point to the pad on the palm under the base of the pointer finger
for Neptune, then PlutoRevolve around the sun (I continue going around the edge of the
palm for
the last
two lines of the song, simulating revolving around the sun,
which is the center of the palm.)In the Solar System (explained above).
I hope this makes sense...other than actually showing you, I'm not
sure how
to tell you ;-)One little two little three little planets
Four little five little six little planets
Seven little eight little nine little planets
Orbiting the sun.Mercury Venus and the earth
Mars Jupiter and Saturn
Uranus Neptune and Pluto
orbiting the sun.
Tuning Up For Outer Space
(sung to "The Farmer in the Dell")
The sun is in the sky. The sun is in the sky.
Hot and bright, it gives us light.
The sun is in the sky.
The moon is in the sky. The Moon is in the sky.
Around and 'round the earth it goes.
The moon is in the sky.The stars are in the sky. The stars are in the sky.
Twinkly bright, they shine at night.
The stars are in the sky.Four Little Stars
Four little stars
winking at me.
One shot off,
then there were three!Three little stars
With nothing to do.
One shot off,
Then there were two!Two little stars
Afraid of the sun.
One shot off,
Then there was one!One little star
Alone is no fun.
It shot off,
then there was none!Climb aboard the Spaceship!
sung to itsy bitsy spiderClimb aboard the spaceship,
We're going to the moon.
hurry and get ready,
We're going to blast off soon.
Put on your helmets
And buckle up real tight.
Here comes the countdown,
Let's count with all our might.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1---BLAST OFF!!
Space Action Song
sung to London BridgeThe planets spin around the sun,
Around the sun, Around the sun.
The planets spin around the sun,
We live on earth!The sun is found in the middle,
In the middle, In the middle.
The sun is found in the middle,
It keeps us warm!The stars are twinkling far away,
Far away, far away.
the stars are twinkling far away,
Now make a wish!Stars (sung to "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star")
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
I know what you really are:
Giant ball of glowing gas,
One of billions in a mass!
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
Oh, how big you really are!Twinkle, twinkle, giant star,
Larger than the Earth by far!
Since your distance is a lot,
You look like a tiny dot.
Twinkle, twinkle, giant star,
Very bright, yet very far!Stars are twinkling, every one,
Some are bigger than the sun!
Just a twinkle in the sky,
Just because you're oh, so high!
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
Oh, how big you really are!The Solar System (to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle..)
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
Oh so bright and oh so far.
In the sky, a tiny dot.
Glowing gas that's very hot!
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
Oh so bright and oh so far.Beaming, beaming, gleaming moon,
Like a giant white balloon.
Round and round the Earth you spin,
Through the month, new shapes you're in.
Beaming, beaming, gleaming moon,
Like a giant white balloon.Glowing, glowing, red-hot sun.
Shining light on everyone.
Earth goes round you once a year.
You're a star with atmosphere!
Glowing, glowing, red-hot sun,
Shining light on everyone.Moon
Are you lonely, Moon?
You giant white balloon!
You have no water, wind or air.
No wonder, nothing lives up their.
You can't grow trees or flowers or grass.
Your soil is only rocks and glass.
Even your light is not your own.
Instead it's from the sun that's shone.
Your gravity is weak, I hear.
You really have no atmosphere.
But don't be sad, Moon, please don't cry.
For I still love you in the sky.Planets
Here are nine planets that we know.
Round and round the Sun they go.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars,
These are the planets near our star.Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, too.
Neptune, Pluto, we can't see you.
These are the nine planets that we know.
Round and round the Sun they go.Planet Roll Call
Nine planets around the sun,
Listen as I call each one:
Mercury? Here! Number one,
Closest planet to the sun.
Venus? Here! Number two,
Shining bright, just like new!
Earth? Here! Number three,
Earth is home to you and me.
Mars? Here! Number four,
Red and ready to explore!
Jupiter? Here! Number five,
Largest planet, that's no jive!
Saturn? Here! Number six,
With rings of dust and ice that mix.
Uranus? Here! Number seven,
A planet tilted high in heaven.
Neptune? Here! Number eight,
With one dark spot whose size is great.
Pluto? Here! Number nine,
The smallest and the last in line!Solar System in Motion (to the tune of "The Farmer in The Dell")
The Earth turns around,
The Earth turns around.
Once a day, every day,
The Earth turns around.The moon goes round the Earth,
The moon goes round the Earth.
Once a month, every month,
The moon goes round the Earth.The Earth goes round the sun,
The Earth goes round the sun.
Once a year, every year,
The earth goes round the sun.Astronaut (to the tune of "Where Have you Been , Billy Boy?")
Tell me, where have you been,
Astronaut, astronaut?
Tell, me where have you been
In your rocket?
I have landed on the moon,
And I may return there soon
With a space station
That will help me dock it!Tell me, what did you do,
Astronaut, astronaut?
Tell me, what did you do,
In your rocket?
I took pictures of the stars
And the craters found on Mars,
And I brought home some moon rocks
In my pocket!
Sing A Song of Solar System
Sing a Song of SixpenceSing a song of solar system,
Nine planets in all,
Orbiting around the Sun,
Each shaped like a ball.The Sun is in the middle.
It's a hot, burning star.
Next come the inner planets,
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mazrs.Sing a song of solar system.
Be sure to avoid
All those rocks in the belt
Known as asteroids.Next Jupiter and Saturn,
They're gassy as you know;
Then Uranus and Neptune,
And don't forget Pluto!Solar System Model
Planet models:
2 Marbles (Mercury and Pluto)
2 Golf Balls (Venus, Earth, and Mars)
Beach Ball (Jupiter)
Inflatable (kids) ball (Saturn)
Volleyball (Uranus)
Soccer Ball (Neptune)
If you can find an EXTRA LARGE ball like the kinds the kids sit and bounce
on, that can be used as the sun.
Planet distances:
I used bright yellow yarn so that it can be seen easily.
Mercury 1/3 foot
Venus 2/3 foot
Earth 1 foot
Mars 1 1/2 feet
Jupiter 5 feet
Saturn 9 1/2 feet
Uranus 19 feet
Neptune 30 feet
Pluto 39 feet
MOON GAMEI am the moon and I play a game
I don't always look the same.
Sometimes I'm round, a silver sphere.
Sometimes just half of me seems to be here.
Sometimes I'm a crescent, shaped like a smile.
Sometimes I surprise you and hide for awhile!
Look up in the sky for my friendly light --
What shape will I be when you see me tonight?