Grade: Middle
Subject: other

#1692. Grocery Shopping and Budgeting

other, level: Middle
Posted Tue Apr 25 07:07:32 PDT 2000 by Kelly Majeski (
Grocery Shopping Lesson Plan
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, USA
Concepts Taught: Decsion Making and Consumerism

RationaleLearnersObjectives ActivitiesNotes

Grocery Shopping & Budgeting

Money Management Lesson Plan
Grade: 9th
Periods: 3rd and 7th


This lesson is designed to aide students in decision making, consumer spending, and also with
managing personal and family income. Students at this grade level are interested in spending
and managing money. This lesson relates to them because it is something that they may
encounter in real life.


After the lesson on grocery shopping and budgeting, grade 9 students will be able to establish a
food budget based on individual needs and resources.

After the lesson on grocery shopping and budgeting, grade 9 students will be able to evaluate
food stores to determine where to shop for the best prices.

After the lesson on grocery shopping and budgeting, grade 9 students will be able to apply
guidelines for buying specific foods.

After the lesson on grocery shopping and budgeting, grade 9 students will be able to explain the
use of food labels, unit pricing, open dating, and government grading.

Introduction to the Lesson: (5 minutes)

Where does your family shop?
In what ways does your family try to save money when grocery shopping?
Did you ever go shopping for a few specific food items, and come out of the store with 2 or 3 grocery bags full of food?

**Discussion / Open for stories, comments or ideas in order to get the class interested in the topic of the day**


***Discussion questions: (to be used throughout the entire lesson as breaks between lecture)***

Everyone take out a sheet of paper and write down where you shop for groceries when you need to.
Now, take a minute and think about what you love to get at the grocery store.
Pretend that you are given $20 and you can spend it on anything you want at your favorite supermarket.

In groups of 2, the students will...
Make a list of all of the point of sale shopping aids that you can find in a local supermarket.
Next we will discuss and compare all the answers in each of the groups.

What makes food attractive, appealing and appetizing to eat?
Again in groups of 2's, think of at least 3 things that you feel makes food appetizing.

Content/ Learning's/ Subject Matter: (20 minutes)


Factors affecting food prices.

Reduced supply of grain Consumers boycott beef
Reduced crop production Poultry price decreases
Cattle producers feel price is low Minimum wage increase
Nutritionist's opinion Income tax reduction

Establishing a food budget

Number of people eating Entertaining
Dietary needs Where you shop
Personal tastes & preferences Skills of shopping
Meals away from home

Planning Food Purchases

Avoid impulse spending (spur of the moment purchases)
Ads, specials, & menu ideas (look at sales for the week)
Outline meals
Ingredients (look at recipes to plan ahead)
Shopping list (make one and stick to it as much as possible, be sure to leave money for unexpected items
Coupons (clip ahead of time)


Where to shop (the food store)

Do prices compare? Services suitable for you?
Fresh food? Fair policies?
Overall selection w/in store Is store attractive & clean?
Helpful & pleasant workers?

Point of sale shopping aids (save time and money)

Universal product code-UPC -- computer check out system
Generic products -- plain packages without pictures
Food labels -- tell you what you are buying; some info is required by law
1. common name of the food and its form (diced peaches)
2. net contents or net weight
3. name and address of manufacturer, packer, or distributor
Unit pricing -- based on cost per unit, weight, or measure (on shelf where unit is displayed)
Open dating -- when food should be used for best quality, flavor, and nutritive value
Pull dating -- last day a product should be sold
Inspection stamps -- tells you that foods are wholesome and good to eat
Food grades --- indicated quality of foods


Food Storage (what should be and should not be refrigerated and/or put into freezer)

Food Preparation (Appearance, temperature, and serving food, all should be taken into consideration)


Ok, there are many different ways to avoid overspending, and there are also many things you can do to budget before,
during, and after you shop.