Grade: Elementary
Subject: Reading/Writing
RationaleThe purpose for this lesson is to have the students apply reading strategies to improve understanding and fluency. The
students will use their imagination and create their own short story. This story will serve as a prediction of the upcoming story
they will be reading. Learning to read is critical to a child's well-being. Children who can not read at a comfortable level
experience significant difficulties mastering many types of academic content. The lesson plan I have developed work with
student's who have a difficult time with reading comprehension. These types of student's have difficulty understanding what they
have read. I will build on the student's strengths while compensating for or adjusting to their needs. Through a reading activity I
hope to decrease the student's frustration with reading and increase their understanding of what they are reading. I hope for the
student's to overcome or learn to compensate for their learning disability.
Objectives: When asked, the student will be able to:Identify 10 pre-selected words as a various parts of the story, including setting, character, problem, solution and reading.
Creat their own story using identified words to make a prediction about an upcoming story.
Lesson Activities
* This lesson will be done in one class period, which consists of 62 minuites.
Time Teacher Students
5 mins. Gathers all materials that are Free time to talk to fellows classmates,
needed for the lesson and looks do work, silently read; their own fee time.
over the lesson plan.
2 mins. Handout the worksheet entitled "Can You Predict Sit patiently until the teacher passes out the
the Story?" The worksheet is divided into five
Setting, Characters, Problem, Solution, and Ending. worksheet to all of the students.
5 mins.. Writes ten pre-selected words on the blackboard for They will write down on their worksheet the ten
the students. preselected words that the teacher wrote up on the
10 mins.
They must use their thinking skills and decided where
they think the words may fit into the story. They will
place the words in any of the five columns, but may
not be repeated in more than one column on the
worksheet handed out.
15 mins. Ask the students if they have Once students have entered each of the ten words
any questions towards story. This will serve as a prediction to the upcoming
the assignment. Walk around the story.
classroom and give help when it
is needed.
5 mins. Stop the class and ask if anyone needs Should be finishing up on their short story if they are
any free time. If so give free time to not already done.
the students that need it.
Will either read their own story
10 mins. Explain to the students that they have to the class or will sit quietly and listen to
just made a prediction about the story their classmate as they read their story.
they are about to read..
Have all or some of the students read
their short story to the class.
10 mins. Listen to the predictions that the They should try to keep some of the predictions in
students made and give the students mind that they or their classmates had about the story
comments if necesary about their while reading to see which, if any were correct.