Grade: Senior
Subject: Health

#1704. Responsible Decision-Making

Health, level: Senior
Posted Tue Apr 25 09:48:45 PDT 2000 by Erin J. Inglis (
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA
Materials Required: transparencies, worksheets
Activity Time: 50 minutes
Concepts Taught: Skills needed to make healthy and responsible decisions

Sample Lesson Plan

Rationale Learner Characteristics Objectives Lesson Activities Notes

Rationale: To provide students with the information to make responsible, healthy decisions based on the steps of the decision making model, as well as the ability to evaluate the consequences of the decision. Students with also possess the knowledge to make decisions that resist engaging in actions that threaten health, threaten safety, break laws, result in lack of respect for self and others, disobey guidelines set by responsible adults, and detract from character.


Terminal Performance Objective
At the conclusion of this lesson, grade nine students will be able to accurately identify, illustrate, and evaluate a decision based on the six steps of the decision making model.

Enabling Objectives

The learner will be able to:

list the steps of the decision making model in the correct order
apply the six steps of the decision making model to a story or written passage
properly evaluate a decision after reading a story or passage
demonstrate knowledge of decision making skills through role play
differentiate between healthy and harmful decisions
make decisions that promote a healthy lifestyle inside and outside of the classroom
Lesson Activities

Time Teacher Activities Student Activities
15 minutes -introduction of the decision making model -students will take notes based on the teacher's explanation
10 minutes -teacher will hand out a short story to the students
-teacher will walk around to answer questions and provide feedback -while working with a partner, students will read through the story and apply the six steps of the decision making model in order to solve a problem
10 minutes -teacher will introduce the proper way to evaluate a decision using a series of questions -students will take notes on how to properly apply an evaluation to a decision
10 minutes -teacher will walk around and provide feedback where needed -students will reread the story with their partner, and evaluate the decision based on what they just learned
10 minutes -teacher will be part of the audience and provide feedback to students where needed -students will present their ideas on decision making through role playing
2 minutes -teacher will assign a homework assignment for the students to complete for next class -students will choose a television show and describe a decision a character must make. After describing the decision, the student will apply the steps of the decision making model and evaluate the final decision.