Grade: all
Subject: other

#1708. Fire Safety

, level: all
Posted Tue Apr 25 09:53:56 PDT 2000 by Allison Duss (
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, USA

Kindergarten Health
Time: 45 minutes

Rationale and Background
Lesson Objectives
Learner Analysis
Lesson Notes

Rationale and Background
This lesson is the first lesson in a three day unit on fire safety for kindergarten students. Fire safety
is an extremely serious topic, which all children should be familiar with. The purpose of this lesson is
to introduce students to the hazards of fire and help them to practice fire safety tips. In this lesson, the
students will learn how to "stop, drop, and roll", and will construct paper "Stop, Drop, and Roll" hats.

Because this is the first lesson of the unit, the students know little about the Fire Safety. The class is
familiar with 911, and has just finished a unit on strangers. The class has previously participated in
hands-on activities involving hot and cold temperatures. All of the students have worked with the
materials necessary to conduct this lesson, such as scissors and paste.

Lesson Objectives

1. After observing a smoke detector, kindergarten students will be able to describe how it is used in
fire prevention in one to three sentences.

2. After a teacher demonstration on the correct way to stop, drop, and roll when endangered by
fire, kindergarten students will be able to properly stop, drop, and roll when the teacher says the
code word of "Stop."

3. Following a lecture on the method to stop, drop, and roll, kindergarten students will paste pieces of
paper with the illustrations of stop, drop, and roll in the correct order, with an accuracy of 100%.


*Props for introduction
*Decorations for room
*Smoke detector
*Floor mats
*Oak tag or thick construction paper cut in sheets approximately 2 ft by 1 ft.
*Pictures of "Stop" (optional)
*Pictures of "Drop" (optional)
*Pictures of "Roll" (optional)


Introduction and Motivation

The room should be decorated with various objects associated with fire safety. For example,
pictures of fire trucks, fire fighters, smoke detectors, and fire extinguishers are all good ideas. As the
lesson begins the teacher shows the student a box filled with various props associated with fire safety,
such as a toy fire truck, a smoke detector, or a stuffed Dalmatian dog, and asks the students to guess
what each of these things have in common. The teacher goes on to explain that the class will be
discussing fire safety throughout the week. He/She asks the students if they can think of reasons why
fire can be dangerous, and lists them on the board.

Lesson Body

1. The teacher shows the students a smoke detector, and asks the students if they know what he/she is
holding. The teacher then asks the students if they know what the purpose of the smoke detector is.
After the students have been given time to answer, the teacher explains that the smoke detector is an
extremely important part of fire prevention. He/She describes how the smoke detector works, allowing
the students to get a close look at the appliance. The teacher also explains that the smoke detector
should only be set off purposely if an adult is checking the battery, because others may hear the alarm
and think there is a fire.

2. At this point, the teacher asks the students if anyone knows what to do if their clothes catch on
fire. He/She explains that it is important to remember to stop, drop, and roll, and demonstrates on one
of the mats in the front of the room. After demonstrating, the teacher will discuss the key points such
as covering your eyes and pulling your arms in.

3. The students will be invited, two or three at a time, to stop, drop, and roll on the mats in the room.
They will be instructed to say the words "Stop," "Drop," and "Roll" as they perform the action. The
remainder of the students should also say the words with those physically involved.

4. After each of the students has had an opportunity to stop, drop, and roll, the teacher will explain
that the class will be making paper "Stop, Drop, and Rollers". He/She passes out the illustrated
pictures, oak tag, crayons, scissors, and paste to each table. The students are to color the three
pictures; one marked "Stop", one marked "Drop", and the third marked "Roll", and paste them onto the
oak tag in the correct order. The students may also draw their own pictures and write the words at the
top if desired. The teacher walks around to ensure that all students are on task and helps those in need
of assistance.

5. As the students finish coloring and pasting, the teacher rolls each of the pieces of oak tag into
cylinder shapes for hats and staples or pastes them. The students are to wear their hats for the
remainder of the day. When the teacher says the code word, "Stop," the students are to stop whatever
they are doing, remove their hats, and roll them. This way, the students are practicing the drill, but the
safety of the children is ensured.


Once all of the hats are made, the teacher will review the purpose of a smoke detector and the
concept of stop, drop, and roll. The teacher will explain that the fire safety unit will continue
throughout the remainder of the week, and ask the students if there are any questions.