Grade: all
Subject: Games

#1763. Classroom Quiz-Bowl 2000

Games, level: all
Posted Thu May 11 16:44:12 PDT 2000 by Travis Kramper (
Likuid Designs
Likuid Designs - SSC Junior High (Freshman), South Sioux City, Usa
Materials Required: Computer (Preferably Gateway Destination, or Philips Projector that hooks up to a computer)
Activity Time: About 25 Minutes
Concepts Taught: Any

I would like to know what everyone thinks of this idea:

I wrote a computer game for my geography class to use when we review our chapters. My game is kindof like Jeopardy, and the teacher can edit to questions and question categories. Each question is multiple choice, and points are shown on the game board. There must be three teams, and each team has a captain who is at the computer and represents their team. The captain choses the question and selects answers. A timer can be enabled so that every 5 seconds the questio point value decreases by however much you want. This program is very easy to use, and it went over well with my classmates.

For more information on this game, please contact me at:

Or you can go to my website: