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Grade: Pre-School
Subject: Reading/Writing
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I had to come up with an outline explaining the way I teach phonological awareness skills. I usually just PLAY with words with the kids and they seem to understand phonologically. I had to stop and think about what I do when I play with words. I came up with a list.
Here it is:
rhyming, segmenting, isolating, blending, playing.
Here is what I do.
I read a book. For the ease of understanding, I'll use the story The Three Pigs.
1. Rhyming
I will ask questions that will answer: pig, house, ran.
Such as, What kind of animal were the three brothers?
We will brain storm words that rhyme with pig.
Then I will play a quick game of does it or does it not rhyme using the words we brainstormed. I'll use pairs like: pig/big, dig/mouse, money/man, house/louse, .....
2. Segmenting
I will then ask a simple comprehension question that will take a simple answer. What did the third pig make his house out of?
They will come up with a sentence: The third brother made his house out of bricks.
I will write this on a chart. We will repeat this answer several times. I will ask them how many words are in this sentence. Then we will count it together.
I will ask them to say part of the sentence.
They will say: brother made his
I will ask them to say part of that.
They will say: made his
I will ask them to say part of that.
They will say: made
Then we will segment made.
I say, Say part of made.
They will say ma
I say, Say part of ma.
They will say mmmmmm.
I will say what is the third word in our sentence.
They say brother.
I say, how many syllables do you hear?
They say 2
I say, what is the first part?
They say bro
I say, what is the last part?
They say ther
I say, say brother without the ther.
They say bro.
I say, say brother without the br.
They say other.
I say, say brother without the er.
They say broth.
I say, let's count the sounds we hear in the the word brother.
They say, b,r,o,th,er 5 sounds.
3. Isolating
I ask, What are the 3 things the pigs used to build their houses?
I write on the chart paper as they say, stick, straw, brick.
I ask, What is the beginning sound of stick?
They say sssssss.
I do the same with straw and brick.
This one happens to lend itself to ask, Which two words begin the same way?
I ask, What is the ending sound of stick?
They say k
I do the same with straw and brick.
This one happens to lend itself to ask, Which two words end the same way?
I ask, What is the vowel sound in stick?
They say i
I do the same with straw and brick.
This one happens to lend itself to ask, Which two words have the same vowel sound?
4. Blending
I will stretch out several words. mmmmmaaaaaaannnnnnnn. They will say it fast, man. biiiiiiilllllllld (build) p...oooooot... (pot) I don't bounce the letters, but I will draw out the sustained sounds.
5. Play
I will write a word on the chart. Pig.
I will say, If I change the p to a d , what word will I have?
They will say dig.
If I change the g to a p, what word will I have?
They say dip.
I will do this until I can't think of anymore ways to change it. I will also include several 2 letter phonemes such as, If I change the d to a ch, What word will I have?
They say, chip.