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Grade: Elementary
Subject: Phys Ed
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This lesson introduces students' to a component of dance known as space.
Throughout the lesson, the students will travel in various pathways, directions, and
levels in their own personal and general space. The main emphasis of this introductory
lesson, is to alert the awareness of the student and provide them with background
information on the components of dance.Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this introductory lesson on dance, grade four learners
will be able to perform and demonstrate locomotor and non-locomotor movements,
while using various dance pathways and levels, incorporating the element of space,
with 100% accuracy.More specifically, the learner will:
1. demonstrate teamwork, while working with others in the dance environment;
2. understand the directions of movements;
3. demonstrate the changing of levels throughout movements;
4. perform proper pathways introduced in the lesson;
5. use dance vocabulary introduced in the lesson.Content Standard:
Content Standard:
Understanding dance as a way to create and communicate meaningAchievement Standard:
a. observe how dance is different from other forms of human movement
b. take an active role in class discussion about interpretations of and reactions to a
dance or movement
c. demonstrate to peers their own original movements and discuss their meanings with
competence and confidence.Vocabulary:
Place (self space and general)
Locomotor movement
Non-locomotor movementLesson Activities:
Opening: (5 minutes)
1. Introduction -- Introduce vocabulary that will be used throughout the lesson. Also
introduce the jungle theme, and invite the students to join the instructors and explore
the jungle surroundings, both in their personal and general space.
Warm-up: (10 minutes)
1. Students will warm-up in a circle, with teacher in a visible location for all students to
observe. Students will perform the following locomotor and non-locomotor
*Stretch on toes to the ceiling
* Jumping Jacks
2. Stretching exercises that incorporate stretching the upper and lower body. Reach for
toes, reach for ceiling. Sit on the ground and reach for your toes. Thoroughly stretch
large and small muscle groups in the upper and lower body.
3. Popcorn -- Students will start low to the ground, while popcorn begins to "pop." As
popcorn "pops" faster, the students begins to rise up from the low-level position. As
popcorn is "popping," the students move their arms and hands in front of them. As
popcorn finishes "popping," the students then stand up and reach for the ceiling.
Exploration: (17 minutes)
1. Jungle Exploration -- (Obstacle Course) -- Hula hoops, jump ropes, and cones will be
arranged in different locations on the floor. The students will go through the hula
hoops as though they were in a jungle climbing through a log. The jump ropes
represent a stream, and the students will have to leap over it. The cones will act as
boulders, and they will have to travel through these in a zigzag, curved, or straight
pathway. The instructors will lead the students through the jungle. Students will
combine locomotor movements, pathway, levels, and directions in this activity.
2. Jungle Animals -- Instructor will hold up pictures of jungle animals. Instructor will
demonstrate the movement or pathway that this animal will make, and then students
will perform.
Creation & Cool Down: (8 minutes)
1. Jungle Animal Guess -- Students will break up into four groups. All students will
collectively decide on one jungle animal to demonstrate to the class. The groups will
have to use creativity, and demonstrate a jungle animal that we did not go over in
class. When the instructor calls on a group, the will travel to the middle of the stage
and perform the movements and pathway of their animal. The remainder of the class
and the instructor will have to guess what animal is being performed. (Allowing all
students to demonstrate their jungle animal at one time could shorten this activity, and
the instructor would travel around the class and guess the animals demonstrated.)
2. Good-bye Song -- Students gather in a large circle, follow the instructors
movements. "Touch the ground, touch the sky, now turn around and say good-bye!"If time permits, review the vocabulary terms that were introduced in the lesson.