Grade: Elementary
Subject: Language
Objectives: The learner will write his/her own
Purpose: To express new experiences
To show a new feeling or sensation
To show a different view of nature or
1. A season word must be included
2. One must use three (3) lines only
3. The poem is limited to seventeen (17) syllables
4. The second (2) line must have the most syllables
5. The lines do not rhyme
6. The poem is limited to five (5) syllables
7. One must use at least one of the "focus words"Word Bank Examples
Season Examples
Spring Winter Fall
flowers ice pumpkins
wind Jack Frost Halloween
rain Christmas hurricanes
April Fools cold yellow leaves
bunnies snow cool nights
robins Santa Claus turkey
St. Patrick's Day coats ThanksgivingFocus Examples
Feelings Sensory Animals Situations Nature
happy bitter dog schoolbus storm
angry sweet cat classroom sky
sad rough bird suppertime earth
Haiku Examples1. Green frog,
Is your body also
Freshly painted? Akutagawa2. No sky
No earth - but still
Snowflakes fall. Hashin3. Pond with ice
Summer. Greig