Grade: all
Subject: other

#1917. Teacher anti-stress survival kit, bag of goodies

, level: all
Posted Sun Aug 20 05:24:11 PDT 2000 by Patsi K. (from Building Blocks mailring) ().
Materials Required: 1 bag for ea. recipient w/eraser, penny, rubber band, string, marbles, Hershey Hugs & Kisses candies

Teachers anti-stress kit.
Survival Kit for the teacher

In a bag place these items. Attach the text:

Eraser: To make all your mistakes disappear.
Penny: So that you will never be broke.
Rubber Band: To help you stretch beyond your limits without breaking.
String: To tie everything together when it falls apart.
Marbles: To replace the ones you have lost.
Hugs & Kisses: To remind you someone cares.

Hope this helps!

Patsi K in MN