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Grade: Senior
Subject: Literature
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A. Introduce "textbook" definition of lyric poetry; discuss various forms (love lyric, complaint lyric, loss lyric, satiric lyric)
B. Explain to students--many of whom will grimace at the very word 'poetry'--that if they like music, they like poetry.
C. Have a musical "quiz" made up; this will consist of 8 song titles scrambled on one side of paper, and the 8 artists scrambled on the other side.
Play the selections...students will enjoy getting to listen to stereo during class! *object of game is for them to
1. match artists' names with correct song titles.
2. identify which songs are exemplary of love lyric, loss lyric, complaint lyric, satiric lyric.D. When music is finished, have students defend their answers based on definitions provided.
E. Follow-up activity: have 8 lyric poems printed...based on newfound knowledge and appreciation of lyric poetry, students should be able to identify various types of lyric poetry.
F. Writing Lesson Option. Have students bring in the song lyrics of a favorite band...give library time for them to find lyric poetry of same type. Have them write a standard comparison/contrast paper on similarities/differences between their song and poem.*the song and poem selections are up to you...be creative...enjoy reaction as students groan at your tastes...ha ha ha
**This activity always proves popular...it is not my original idea, but I'm not sure where I first read about it. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments for improvement.