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Grade: Middle
Subject: Reading/Writing
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This reading is designed to encourage students both to develop reading skill through comprehension of story's events and to integrate History and Language Arts. It also encourages students to appreciate the greatness of the Thai King who devoted himself to regaining the independence of Thailand.Objectives (s):
Terminal Objective:
Students will develop reading skill through comprehension of the story's events and define the meaning of the words in the story.
By the time this lesson is completed, student will be able to:
1. read the story 'The Great King of Ayutthaya: King Naresuan' silently.
2. define the meaning of words in the story.
3. comprehend the story's events through answering the questions.
4. share ideas and participate in a classroom discussion.Resources/ Materials:
Pictures: naresuan.GIF, donjedi_02.JPG, donjedi_04.JPG
Dictionaries: English-Thai dictionary,
The Great King of Ayutthaya: King Naresuan; See at:
Student Information Sheet #1* : The Great King of Ayutthaya: King Naresuan; which is written by Jiraporn Supising, M.Ed. Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand.
Student Information Sheet #2 * Vocabularies.
Student Worksheet #1 * Define the meaning of these words from the story.
Student Worksheet #2 * Comprehend the story's events.Procedures:
1. Class is divided into small groups of five students independently. Each group selects a secretary to record notes and list the contributors in the group.
2. #Student Information Sheet # 1 is distributed to the class.
3. Each group is responsible for reading silently.
4. Have them look up the meanings of all difficult words in their own English-Thai dictionaries.
5. Stimulate discussion by showing some pictures, preview each picture and ask questions (orally) relevant to the topic and the events in the story "The Great King of Ayutthaya: King Naresuan". For example:
What is the picture about?
Who is in the picture?
Who knows about King Naresuan?
When did he reign in the Ayutthaya Period?
6. Have student volunteers to answer these questions.
7. Teacher summarizes all responses.
8. Have students discuss about the story's events and share their ideas independently.
9. Students list what they know about the topic.
10. Teacher walks around the room and observes the student's participation.
11. Teacher hands out #Student Information Sheet # 2 to each student and explains more details.
12. Have students to review to test the students' understanding.
13. Class is assigned to complete #Student Worksheet # 1 * Comprehend the story's events and #Student Worksheet # 2 * Define the meaning of these words from the story individually.
14. Each student completes and brings worksheets back to check and verify.
15. Teacher corrects them.Assessment:
1. Assessment of this story will be based primarily on oral responses from the students in terms of their ability to answer the questions from the story.
2. Assessment of the comprehension of the story's events is to answer the
questions from #Student Worksheet # 1.
3. Assessment of the definition of words in this story is to choose the best
meaning from #Student Worksheet # 2.
4. Students will be evaluated by their participation in sharing their
personal experiences and by observing students during the independent
activities and discussion about the story. Useful Internet Resources:
http://www.sala.net/Thailand/Provinces/C/ayuthaya.html# Student Information Sheet 1#
King Naresuan : The Great King of AyutthayaPhitsanulok was the birthplace of one of the greatest heroes in Thai history - King Naresuan who was born in 1555. His father, King Mahathammaracha was a descendant of the Phra Ruang dynasty of Sukhothai, and his mother was Queen Phra Wisut Kasattri of the Suwannaphum dynasty of Ayutthaya. At the age of nine, he had been taken as hostage to Burma for six years. On his return to Ayutthaya, he was given the principality to govern by his father. He developed his military expertise. When his father died, he was made King of Ayutthaya in 1590 at the age of thirty- five.
During his reign, many armies attacked the city of Ayutthaya. As a great warrior king, he liberated Ayutthaya from Burma. He led the soldiers into battles to defend the country against Burmese invasions several times. With courage, he declared the independence of Ayutthaya at Muang Kraeng in May, 1584. In the most famous combat, King Naresuan had a duel on elephants with the Burmese Crown Prince at Nong Sa Rai near Suphanburi Province in January, 1593. He won and killed the Burmese Crown Prince in combat on elephant back. King Naresuan succeeded in his offensive against both Burmese and Cambodians who made a series of raids. During his reign, King Naresuan restored national independence and extended Ayutthaya's territory to include Lanna, Lanchang, Cambodia and some parts of Burma. He also made Ayutthaya such a powerful country that no enemy threatened the walls of Ayutthaya again for a period of one hundred seventy three years.
King Naresuan died of smallpox in 1605 at Muang Hang at the age of fifty while leading his army against the Burmese. King Naresuan deserves the honor of being "the Great". He is also widely known among the Thais nowadays for his heroic efforts.#Student Information Sheet # 2
Vocabularieshero /hr/ n. A man of superhuman strength, courage, or ability, favoured by the gods; a demigod. .
desendant /dsend()nt/ a. & n. see DESCEND,
descend /dsend/ v. Be transmitted by inheritance; pass by heredity, pass to an heir.dynasty /dnsti/ n. A succession of hereditary rulers; a line or family of monarchs.
hostage /hstd/ n. A person given or seized and held as a pledge or security for fulfilment of an undertaking or imposed condition.
principality /prnspalti/ n. The territory held or governed by a prince.
govern /gv()n/ v. Rule with authority, conduct the policy, actions, and affairs of (a State, subjects), constitutionally or despotically; regulate the proceedings of (a corporation etc.); be in military command of (a fort, town).
expertise /eksptiz/ n. Expert opinion or knowledge; know-how, skill, or expertness in something
reign /ren/ n. The period of a monarch's rule.
attack /tak/ v. Act against with violence or force of arms; seek to kill or injure.
liberate /lbreti/ n. Any of various writs requiring something to be paid or someone or something to be delivered up or handed over.
battle /bat()l/ n. 1. A fight between (esp. large organized) opposing forces. 2 A fight between two people; a single combat, a duel. 3 Fighting; conflict between enemies; war.
defend /dfend/ v. Prevent, hinder; keep from doing something.invasion /nve()n/ n. The action of invading a country or territory, esp. with armed force; a hostile incursion.
declare /dkle/ v. 1 a Ttell of. b Explain, make clear, elucidate. 2 Make known or state publicly, formally, or explicitly; affirm, assert; proclaim; (in weakened sense) say, announce.
independence /ndpend()ns/ n. 1 The condition or quality of being independent. 2 An income sufficient to relieve one from the need to earn one's living.
combat /kmbat, km-, -t/ n. A fight or armed encounter between two persons, parties, animals, etc.; a duel. More explicitly single combat.
duel /djul/ n. A private fight between two people, prearranged and fought with deadly weapons, usually in the presence of two seconds, in order to settle a quarrel.
territory /tert()ri/ n. The district or area of land surrounding a city or town and under its jurisdiction; b The extent of the land belonging to or under the jurisdiction of a ruler or State. c The defined district over which a judge's jurisdiction extends and to which it is restricted.
dealt v. pa. t. & pple of DEAL
deal /dil/ n. 1 A part or division of a whole; a portion, section. 2 A portion allowed to anyone; a share. 3 A (specified, now usu. great or good) quantity, amount, or number (of). Also , a considerable quantity, a lot, much. In adv. phrs.: to a specified degree or extent.raid /red/ n. A military expedition on horseback; a hostile incursion; a rapid surprise attack by troops, aircraft, etc.
smallpox /smlpks/ n. An acute and sometimes fatal contagious viral disease (now eradicated by vaccination) characterized by fever and a scarring rash of spots which develop into vesicles and then pustules.
deserve /dzv/ v. Earn or become worthy of (reward, punishment, etc.); secure by service or actions, gain, win. 2 Be entitled to, to do; be worthy to have; be a justifiable cause of 3 Be or (formerly) become entitled; be worthy to be well or ill treated at the hands of. 4 Be of service to, treat or serve well. 5 Give in return for service rendered; requite.
Excerpted from Oxford Talking Dictionary. Copyright @ 1998 The Learning
Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved#Students Worksheet # 1
Objectives: Student will be able to comprehend the story's events through answering the questions.
Direction: Choose the best answer from the following questions.
1. Where was King Naresuan born?
a. Ayutthaya.
b. Phitsanulok.
c. Suwannaphum.
d. Sukhothai.2. Why was Prince Naresuan taken to Burma?
a. Because he visited Burmese Crown Prince.
b. Because he fought with Burmese Crown Prince.
c. Because he was a hostage.
d. Because he was given the principality to govern Burma.3. How long did Prince Naresuan have to stay in Burma?
a. Six years.
b. Nine years.
c. Fifteen years.
d. Thirty-five years.4. When was Prince Naresuan made King of Ayutthaya?
a. Before his father died.
b. When his father died.
c. When his father was dying.
d. Soon after his father died.5. What did King Naresuan do during his reign?
a. He liberated Ayutthaya from Burma.
b. He led the soldiers into battles to defend the country against Burmese
invasions several times.
c. He declared the independence of Ayutthaya at Muang Kraeng
d. All are correct.
6. Where was his most famous duel?
a. Nong Sa Rai.
b. Suphanburi.
c. Muang Klaeng.
d. Muang Hang.
7. Whom did King Naresuan fight with on elephant?
a. The two Bumese armies.
b. The two Thai armies.
c. The Burmese Crown Prince.
d. The Burmese army.8. When did King Naresuan die?
a. While he was the age of fifty-nine.
b. While he was going to Muang Hang.
c. While he was fighting against the Burmese.
d. While he led his army against the Burmese.
9. How did King Naresuan die?
a. He died of smallpox.
b. He died of fighting.
c. He died leading his army.
d. He died at the hands of the enemy.
10. Why was King Naresuan named 'The Great'?
a. Because he was a brave king.
b. Because he was a king of Ayutthaya.
c. Because he is widely known nowadays.
d. Because was an honoured king.
#Students Worksheet # 2Objectives: Student will be able to define the meaning of words in the story.
Direction: Choose the correct meaning of each of the following words as used in the passage.
1. . . . of the greatest heroes in Thai history- King Naresuan. 'hero (es)' means . . .. . .. . .
a. A person who is a king.
b. A person who is encouraged.
c. A person who is brave.
d. A person who is not strong.
2. King Mahathammaracha was a descendant of the Phra Ruang dynasty of Sukhothai. 'dynasty' means. . .. . .. . .. . ..
a. A heir from the same family.
b. A succession of monarchs.
c. A succession of the same family.
d. A succession of rulers all from the same family.3. . . .. . .. . .he had been taken as hostage to Burma for six years. 'hostage'
means . . .. . .. . .. . .
a. A person who is held prisoner.
b. A person who is an adopted son.
c. A person who is undertaking a trip.
d. A person who is fighting for independence.4. . . .. . .. . .he was given the principality to govern by his father.
'principality' means . . .. . .. . .. . .
a. The territory in the country.
b. The territory ruled by the country.
c. A territory ruled by a king.
d. A country ruled by a prince.
5. . . ..many armies made their attack upon the city of Ayutthaya 'attack' means. . .... . .
a. Force against a fighter.
b. Kill an enemy.
c. Fight an enemy.
d. Act against someone with violence.6. . . .. . .. . ...he liberated Ayutthaya from Burma. 'liberate (d)' means . . .. . .. . .
a. Set free.
b. Handful.
c. Something to be paid.
d. Require something to be paid for someone
7. He led the soldiers into battles to defend the country against Burmese invasions several times. 'battle (s)' means . . .. . .. . .. . ...
a. A single fight like a duel.
b. A fight between two people.
c. A fight between large organized forces.
d. Fighting; conflict between enemies; war.8. . . .. . .. . ..he declared the independence of Ayutthaya . . .. . ... 'declare' means . . .. . ... . .
a. Say something weakly.
b. Proclaim something to public.
c. Announce through the radio.
d. All correct.
9. King Naresuan had a duel on elephants. . .. . .. . . 'duel' means. . .. . .. . ...
a. A fight with weapons.
b. A quarrel with another person.
c. A fight with elephants.
d. A private fight between two people.
10. King Naresuan deserved the honor of being "the Great". 'deserve (d)' means . . .. . .
a. Be given punishment.
b. Serve someone.
c. Win the contest.
d. Be worthy of something.