Grade: all
Subject: Art

#1979. Jack-o-lanterns

Art, level: all
Posted Sat Oct 14 03:24:05 PDT 2000 by Nkki Carr (
Millersburg USA
Materials Required: pumpkin, pumpkin carving tool, paper, pencil, imagination
Activity Time: 5min-1 hour

I once taught daycare, now with five childrn I just teach them. My older chilren are in public school-- but I have 3 young ones at home. Now to the lesson. Pre pare a pumpkin to be carved into a jack-o-lantern--then read on. Those master pupkin carving kits are nothing more then a really neat picture with dots on the solid lines. Using this idea have the children make a picture place dots on it, tape the picture onto the pupkin. Then use the pumkin carving tool--or a knife, poke through the holes into the pumpkin--you don,t have to go into the pupkin to far. When yo finish remove the picture and play connect the dots. there your own special jack-o-lantern.