Grade: all
Subject: Health

#2028. Healthy Decision Making Towards Alcohol and Tobacco Use

Health, level: all
Posted Tue Nov 28 05:19:27 PST 2000 by Toni Wolf (
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana,Indiana
Materials Required: TV, VCR and Written Test
Activity Time: 45 Minutes
Concepts Taught: Students will identify and demonstrate refusal skills of smoking and drinking

Lesson: Healthy Decision Making
Towards Alcohol And Tobacco Use

Goal: Students will identify and demonstrate refusal skills as well as identifying alternatives to smoking and drinking.

Behavioral Objectives:
A written quiz will be given to the students and they will identify FIVE alternative activities to smoking and drinking.
The students will design their own Anti-Smoking and Anti-Alcohol Ad geared to help adolescents understand the healthy decisions on smoking and alcohol.
Students will write a journal entry on how they make a healthy decision when they come across alcohol and drinking throughout their lives.

Student Activities
1. Students will role-play refusal skills.
2. Students will design their own anti-smoking and anti-drinking services and present it to adolescents, while they are being video taped.
3. Journal entry- Students will describe how they make healthy decisions when they come across alcohol and/or smoking in their lives.

The topic of lecture
1. Public Service Ads
2. The Alternatives of Smoking and Drinking

Materials/Supplies needed
1. TV and VCR
2. Written test

Grading system
1. Written quiz
2. Participation in the classroom
3. Class Attendance
4. Class Assignments
5. Rubric for Evaluating their public service
6. Role playing skit

Short quiz on alcohol and tobacco use
1. List and describe 4 changing trends in alcohol and smoking advertisements?
2. List and describe 4 ways we can improve alcohol and tobacco in the public ads?
3. List 4 alternative activities to smoking and drinking?