Grade: Senior
Subject: other

#2033. Child Abuse

other, level: Senior
Posted Mon Nov 27 18:59:18 PST 2000 by Jacqueline Bair ().
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA
Materials Required: None
Activity Time: 40 minutes
Concepts Taught: Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Abuse


1)Students will be able to discuss the three major types of child abuse with 100% accuracy.
2)Students will be able to list the steps of reporting child abuse with 100% accuracy.
3)Students will be able to identify the warning signs of child abuse with 90% accuracy.

Human Development by VanderZanden Seventh Edition
Teaching Aids Needed:
Overheads with student notes
Overhead of sample case
Video Clips from Mommy Dearest

Room Arrangement:

There will be no change in the room arrangement.

Introduction to Lesson:

"I want everyone to sit back and relax, but don't fall asleep! I want you to watch these few video clips, and afterwards I want to discuss what you feel is wrong about the situations in these clips. It should be obvious to you."
We will watch a few clips from the movie Mommy Dearest that portrays a mother's abuse of her child. Then we will discuss the clips with the following questions.
"This movie is based on the true story of Joan Crawford. She adopted two children, and treated her daughter very poorly. Does anyone want to react to what they just saw? If you were the nanny in this household what would you have done?"
"Is there a difference between child abuse and discipline? If so, where do we draw the line?"

Content/Learnings/Subject Matter:

Three types of child abuse
Emotional abuse
Sexual abuse
Physical abuse

1)Emotional Abuse
definition: any attitude or behavior which interferes with a child's mental health or social development
examples: yelling, screaming, name calling, negative comparisons, etc.
warning signs: loyalty to parents, fear of punishment, maturity, personality, confidence

2)Sexual Abuse
definition: any sexual act between an adult and child
examples: fondling, intercourse, pornography, oral sex, prostitution, etc.
warning signs: stomach-aches, trauma to body, torn undergarments, nightmares, regression, confidence

3)Physical Abuse:
definition: Any non-accidental injury to a child
examples: hitting, kicking, slapping, shaking, hair pulling, punching, whipping, etc.
warning signs: bruises, pain when touched, anger, fear of person, confidence

Who inflicts abuse:
often close to family
rarely a stranger

suspicion is all that is needed
call local law enforcement agency, or child welfare agency
information may be given anonymously
helpful information: name, gender, age, school attending, address, parents names


Before listing examples of abuse ask students what some examples are.
After discussing this type of abuse ask students to identify it in the film clips they previewed.

Before discussing who inflicts ask students, "Who do you think is most often the inflictor of child abuse a stranger or someone that is close to the family?" Have students raise their hands to which one they feel is more common, and then ask for volunteers to explain why they think that.

After discussing how to report abuse give an example of a child that is being abused, and then discuss what they class would do.

Summary of Learnings (Review) of this Lesson/Closure:

A short case study will be displayed on the overhead, and the class will discuss how they would handle this case. This will examine their understanding of the types of abuse, how to recognize the abuse, and what to do about it. (Please see attachments for the case study.)


No take home assignment will be given. Only the discussion at the end of class will be conducted.

Evaluation Procedure:

An exam would be given at the end of the unit. Case studies would be included to determine the accuracy on the knowledge of child abuse.

Case Study:

Mary is a four-year-old child who attends Carebear Daycare. Mary is usually a very pleasant child who is filled with energy. Lately she is acting very withdrawn, and doesn't want to be around the other children.
Mary's parents are going through a divorce. She is living with her mother, but visits her father on weekends. Mary was happy to visit her father at first, but lately she seems to be afraid of him. When he comes to pick her up on Fridays she ignores his presence and continues to play.
Mary has complained of frequent stomachaches, and doesn't like to use the bathroom because she says it hurts. The other day she came in with a large bruise on her leg, but mom said she feel while at dad's house.
You have become very concerned about Mary. What are you going to do?