Grade: other
Subject: Literature

#2057. The Meanines

Literature, level: other
Posted Mon Dec 4 12:52:59 PST 2000 by Vicki (
Floyd County Board of Education, Prestonsburg, Ky.
Activity Time: a week from beginning to end

For the book The Meanies by Joy Cowley my students have after listening to the book rewrote the book as The Sweeties. We brain stormed things that Sweeties would do like: take bubble baths, eat Happy Meals, etc.
After brainstorming, the students would select the verse they liked best. Then I would type on computer their suggestions. I would glue stick on large white posterboard sheets their typed story.
I would put the students in pairs to illustrate their books. This would become a part of their classroom library. The students loved reading their book!
They loved their version.