Grade: Elementary
Subject: Health

#2070. Healthy Eating

Health, level: Elementary
Posted Wed Dec 6 13:58:40 PST 2000 by Barry Schrengost (
Indiana University of PA, Indiana, PA, USA
Materials Required: Food Pyramid Poster and Dictionaries
Activity Time: Forty Minutes
Concepts Taught: Five Basic Food Groups

Lesson Plan



Rationale Learners Objectives Materials Activities Notes


Barry Schrengost
4th Grade- 25 students
Instruction Time: 40 minutes

Rationale and Background

The purpose of this lesson is to have the students gain an understanding of good nutrition. The student will learn the five basic food groups and what each one consists of. The student will develop an understanding of why eating healthy is important. The students have background knowledge in healthy eating due to the exposure in previous health lessons.

Lesson Objectives

Objective one

Following an oral tutorial and a power point presentation given by the teacher on the basic food groups that make up the pyramid, grade four students will correctly identify and discuss by oral response, with 100% accuracy; the components discussed using the food pyramid poster.

Enabling Objective

Students will be able to:
1. Identify the 5 five basic food groups and give examples of each.
2. Discuss the importance of healthy eating.

Objective Two

Following a group discussion on eating healthy and the food pyramid, grade 4 students, given a blank pyramid will be able to, with 100% accuracy, correctly put the foods in the proper group and define and give an example of each.

Enabling Objective

Students will be able to:
1. Define and give an example of each food group.
2. Separate a group of mixed food into the proper food groups.

Resources and Materials

- A poster of the food pyramid
- 5 dictionaries


Good nutrition is part of living a safe and healthy life. Students will need to able understand the different food groups and why it is important to eat a balanced diet.


Introduction and Motivation
The teacher will start a discussion by holding up a candy bar and an apple and ask the students which do they think is better and healthier for their bodies. The teacher will then ask the students if they ever think about what they are putting into their bodies before they eat something. The teacher will then explain that in order to be healthy children they should be eating more of certain foods and less of others.

Lesson Body
- The teacher will then list the five categories (grains, proteins, fruits, vegeatables, and dairy) of food groups on the board.
- The teacher will then ask five studetns to get a dictionary and look up each word, the definitions will then be put on the board.
- The teacher will provide many examples and explain why they are examples of each group.
- The teacher will then display the food pyramid poster located at the front of the room.
- The teacher will explain to the class the purpose of the food pyramid and tell how many servings of each food should be eaten.
- The teacher will then hold up more examples and ask what food groups they should be in, either asking if they are in a certain group, or asking what group they should be in and why.
- The teacher will the restate the definition and ask the children what they think should be added to the definition and why.
- The students will then write each definition with 2 examples in their notebooks.

Review the five food groups and their definitions. Review why it is important to eat a balanced diet everyday. Ask the students if they any questions about the food pyramid or the food groups.


Student Assessment

The teacher will divide the class into 5 groups and give them each a box of assorted food products, the group will then divide the products into the correct 5 categories and list them on a separate sheet of paper.