Grade: all
Subject: Mathematics

#2120. Algebra I - Graphing

Mathematics, level: all
Posted Tue Feb 6 18:08:37 PST 2001 by Cindy Wilson (( ).
Expo High School-Waterloo Comm., , Waterloo, Iowa
Materials Required: Computers, LCD projector,Alge-Blaster Plus! software,Algebra I book, worksheet
Activity Time: one day
Concepts Taught: Graphing concepts

Objectives and Purposes:
1. Graph ordered pairs on a coordinate plane.
2. Write the ordered pair for a given point.
3. Name the quadrant in which a point is located.

1. Modeling-teacher will use the computer to show how to graph an ordered pair, how to write the ordered pair for a given point and how to name the quadrant. Discuss why moves for positive numbers are right or up and moves for negative numbers are left or down. The first number or coordinate of an ordered pair corresponds to a number on the x-axis. The second number corresponds to the number on the y-axis. When plotting a point you always use the first number to go across and then the second number to go up or down. The two together form the point on the graph.
2. Check for Understanding-have students take turns coming up to the computer to plot points, find points, etc.
3. Guided Practice-have students pair up in groups of two and go to a computer and do the practice exercises together.
4. Independent Practice-assign as homework a worksheet covering the lesson.

Review with the students the material covered for the day by doing a quick mix practice. Assign the homework assignment that is due the next day. Give a short overview of the next day's lesson.