I have made up a song for the children to be able to memorize the ocean's names and how to spell them.
It is to the melody of BINGO.There are four oceans in the world and this is what we call them;
Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic
Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic too.Pacific is the largest one
and this is how we spell it
P a c i f i c, P a c i f i c, P a c i f i c,
Pacific is the largest!Atlantic is the saltiest
and this is how we spell it
At lan tic, At lan tic, At lan tic
Atlantic is the saltiest!Indian is the warmest and this is how we spell it!
I n d i an, I n d i an, I n d i an (clap twice inbetween each spelling)
Indian is the warmest!Arctic is the coldest and the smallest too!
Ar ct ic, Ar ct ic, Ar ct ic,
the coldest and smallest too!