Grade: all
Subject: 4 Blocks

#2297. lesson plan book template

4 Blocks, level: all
Posted Sat Jun 30 21:47:49 PDT 2001 by Elaine Reed (
Twin lakes Elementary, Las Vegas, USA
Concepts Taught: Combining 4 block with 6 traits effect reader

Monday 8:50-9:05MWSWBAT:6T: G: Mental Math 9:05 -9:15 Subject: 9:10 --9:25On the back:Activity:SWBAT:6T: G: Calendar 9:25-9:35 9:35-9:50Working with WordsActivity:SWBAT:6T: G: 9:50 --10:20Writing:Mini-lesson:Conferences:Author's Chair SWBAT:6T: G: BB --Recess 10:20- 10:35 10:35 -- 11:40Math:Objective:Ch. Pg. #SWBAT:G:
Tuesday 8:50-9:05MW:SWBAT:6T: G: Mental Math Subject: 9:10 --9:25On the back:Activity:SWBAT:6T: G: Calendar 9:35-9:50Working with WordsActivity:SWBAT:6T: G: 9:50 --10:20Writing:Mini-lesson:Conferences:Author's Chair SWBAT:6T: G; BB --Recess 10:35 -- 11:40Math:Objective:Ch. Pg. #SWBAT:G:
Wednesday 8:50-9:05MW:SWBAT:6T: G: Mental Math Subject: 9:10 --9:25On the back:Activity:SWBAT:6T: G: Calendar 9:35-9:50Working with WordsActivity:SWBAT:6T: G: 9:50 --10:20Writing:Mini-lesson:Conferences:Author's Chair:SWBAT:6T: G; BB--Recess 10:35 -- 11:40Math:Objective:Ch. Pg. #SWBAT:G:
Thursday 8:50-9:05MW:SWBAT:6T: G: Mental Math Subjext 9:10 --9:25On the back:Activity:SWBAT:6T: G: Calendar 9:35-9:50Working with WordsActivity:SWBAT:6T: G: 9:50 --10:20Writing:Mini-lesson: SWBAT:Conferences:Author's Chair 6T: G; BB--Recess 10:35 -- 11:40Math:Objective:Ch. Pg. #SWBAT:G:
Friday 8:50-9:05MW:SWBAT:6T: G: Mental MathSubject: 9:10 --9:25On the back:Activity:SWBAT:6T: G: Calendar 9:35-10:20 Student of the week lettersSWBAT:6T G: BB--Recess 10:35 -- 11:40Math:Objective:Ch. Pg. #SWBAT:G:
12:15-12:35Teacher Read Aloud:Book:Response: 12:35 -- 1:05SSR:6T G:Conferences:Subject:Running Records:Sharing: 1:05 --1:15BB1:15-2:05ART 2:05-2:50Guided ReadingSubject:SWBAT:Before: During:After:6T G: 2:50-3:06ClosingActivities 6 Traits of an Effective reader and activities:Decoding Conventions: DCEstablishing Comprehension: ECRealizing Context RCDeveloping Interpretations: DIIntegrating for Synthesis: ISCritiquing for Evaluation: CE__________________________________________Working with Words WWWWord Wall Words:___________ ____________________ ____________________ On -the-Back Activities:Adding Endings to Word Wall Words AEWWWRhyming Words RWBe a Mind Reader/ Riddle BMRQuilt Pieces QPTelephone Dial TDSecret Codes SC___________________________________Decoding/Spelling ActivitiesMaking Words MWGuess the Covered Word GTCWUsing Words You Know UWYKRounding Up Rhymes RURReading and Writing Rhymes RWRTongue Twisters TTGrouping:Individual - I Partners - PSmall Group - SGTeams -- TSpecial Events:___________________________Duty Schedule: _____________Committee Meetings__________________________
12:15-12:35Teacher Read Aloud:Book:Response: 12:35 -- 1:05SSR:6T G:Conferences:Subject:Running Records:Sharing: PE 2:05-2:50Guided ReadingSubject:SWBAT:Before: During:After:6T G: 2:50-3:06ClosingActivities
12:15-12:35Teacher Read Aloud:Book:Response: 12:35 -- 1:05SSR:6T G:Conferences:Subject:Running Records:Sharing: Library 2:05-2:50Guided ReadingSubject:SWBAT:Before: During:After:6T G: 2:50-3:06ClosingActivities
12:15-12:35Teacher Read Aloud:Book:Response: 12:35 -- 1:05SSR:6T G:Conferences:Subject:Running Records:Sharing: PE 2:05-2:50Guided ReadingSubject:SWBATBefore: During:After:6T G: 2:50-3:06ClosingActivities
Share Student of the Week lettersSSR when completed Music 2:05-2:50Guided ReadingSubject:SWBAT:Before: During:After:6T G: 2:50-3:06ClosingActivities