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Subject: other

#2315. Using Parent Helpers

, level: all
Posted Tue Jul 17 10:48:44 PDT 2001 by Colleen/wa/2 ().
Materials Required: Parents

A compiled string from the chatboard on using parent helpers!

Posted by Pam/2/MD on 7/01/01
Can anyone give me some ideas on constructive use of parents
in the classroom. With 29 children this year, I know I'll
need some help, but I don't want the waste their time, and I
don't want to have to redo something they do. I'd like to
have them mainly help with the children. Any ideas would be
appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Re: Parent Helpers
Posted by Valerie/1/tx on 7/01/01
I cannot imagine having 29 kids! You will probably be glad
for some parent helpers. I had a grandparent volunteer this
year and she was wonderful. She would take about four of my
kids at a time and work on reading skills with them. She
listened to them read and went over sight words using flash
cards. I had another parent who came in and worked with some
kids on AR by reading to them or sitting with them at the
computer to take the AR test. I liked for them to take these
kids to other areas of the school such as the library (that
is where the computers were) and that way it was not a
distracton in the room. This worked well for us. Be sure to
have a parent you can trust to do what you ask her to do and
one that is capable. My volunteers came on Tuesday only.
That way I always was prepared and ready for them. But in
your case, with so many students you might need someone at
least two days, maybe only for an hour or two. My volunteers
stayed for one hour only.
Maybe you should request a part time aide or something.

Posted by Sandy/K/Mo on 7/01/01
It's great to have someone run off or get materials ready for
projects/assignments, especially if you have to teach art. I
wouldn't have them grade as somehow, at least here, it gets out
who does/n't do well.
This year I am having a Mom come in and story tell/read to them
once a month relating to what we are learning. She is also
going to try to come up with some kind of art project that will
tie in with this. She LOVES doing this kind of thing.
In the past I've had parents help with handwriting (correct
formation but that's kdg.) The idea of taking some kids out and
working in small groups is great. They've also cut out
laminating, made games or manipulatives at home when they had
I can't imagine, well yes I can, one year I had 35 for
afternoon kdg. but wow! Good luck.

Posted by Terri F. on 7/01/01
Some of the things my grandparent helped with:
read with small groups/individuals
help students with any make up work
work with students who need remedial work
work on the computer with 1-2 at a time
help out (especially at the beginning of year) by just
roaming the room as students are doing their assisgnment
help out during big art projects
helped out in a center
played board games with small groups (cut down on the arguing)
and since my grandparent came at the same time/day..if there
was an assembly going on during her time, she would help me
by making paper books, getting art supplies ready,
laminating, etc...
I hope this helps you :)

this year i had parent helpers each day of the week. it was
amazing. my helpers work in the hall to decrease distraction
for all involved. my helpers cut my laminating, filed students
work( only if it was a parent i trusted not to spread around
who was doing well, or poorly), ran my copies, hung things up
in the hall. these jobs took a very short time and the
majority of the time was used helping the students. one helper
worked on handwriting and spelling words, another on sight
words and listened to them read, some played board games and
other educational games that i have. it was a great situation
for all involved. the students made great strides with all
that one to one and small group attention, the parents liked
being with their children and getting to know their child's
peers, and of course it was great for me.

Posted by Lisa on 7/01/01
Whoa, my heart goes out to you. That is a very big class.
My buddy teacher and I often have parent volunteers in the
classroom to work with individuals and small groups during
math and literacy center time. This year we had a little
training session. My buddy teacher took all of the kids
while I went over some guidelines for the volunteers. We
talked about how they should handle it if a child was stuck
on a word, asked for help spelling, misbehaved, etc. I also
gave a short handout and answered any questions they had. We
believe strongly in the strategies we're teaching the kids
and wanted to make sure they were being consistently rein-
forced. This seemed to help.