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Subject: other

#2351. Book Club for Kevin Henkes

, level: all
Posted Sat Aug 25 15:30:21 PDT 2001 by deb ().
Dowagaic Schools,

Book Club Group using Kevin Henkes Books

A Weekend with Wendell
Chester's Way
Sheila Ray The Brave

Day One --
Follow book club procedure to introduce the books. (Guided Reading the Four Blocks Way page 193). Each child will write their choices on an index card. The teacher will match the children's reading ability to their book after school or during a planning time.

Day Two --
Set Purpose -- Think about what they liked best in about their book. Give each child a sticky note so she/he can mark their favorite spot. Teacher encourages the children to read with expression. It is a good idea for the teacher to read the first page of each book with expression and without expression to show the children what the difference is. I often discuss expression during Self-Selected Reading time too.

During reading -- Students will read their books in small groups. Some small groups may be partner reading, some independent reading, see Guided Reading the Four Blocks Way page 194 for some hints.

After reading -- Some teachers assign one child to be the voice (the leader) for the group. Other teachers allow the children to decide on who will talk for the group. The leader (or voice for the group) should be ready to share everyone's favorite spots in the book.

Day Three --
Set the Purpose -- Find the characters and problem in their story.

Teacher should use ERT transparency from Guided Reading Strategies with Transparencies book to copy the page and fill in the Everyone... Read... To... places for each group. Each group finds the information and records answers as a group.

During reading -- Students will read their books in small groups. Some small groups may be partner reading, some independent reading, see Guided Reading the Four Blocks Way page 194 for some hints.

After reading -- Teacher gathers the children together after the graphic organizers are complete to share the information with the other groups.

Self-Selected Reading REMINDER --
These book club books are available for everyone to read next week during SSR.