Lesson Purpose:Nowadays, more and more people write web pages for themselves or for specific purposes. Though there are so many editors to use (FrontPage, Dreamweaver, Netscape Composer, etc.), it'll be better if users have basic knowledge on HTML elements. This lesson will focus on basic HTML elements but not advanced ones. Learners are expected to write a simple web page using HTML elements.
Lesson Activity #1 (Introduction):
HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language) documents are plain-text files that can be created using any text editor. Display an already exist web page and explain that HTML tags consist of a left angle bracket (<), a tag name, and a right angle bracket (>) to the students. Also introduce the basic elements that need to be contained in a HTML document, such as html, head, title, and body. Let students have background knowledge of HTML and know what they are going to expect. and explain some HTML elements might not display well in different browser.
Supporting Web Information:
It's a beginner's guide to HTML. This part has HTML introduction.
http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/General/Internet/WWW/HTMLPrimerP1.htmlLesson Activity #2:
Teach students how to manipulate the content: including change font size, font face, font color, background color, and element alignment.
Supporting Web Information:
This site has tutorials on formatting and fonts.
http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/present/graphics.htmlLesson Activity #3:
Teach students how to create links to other web page and email address. Also educate them how to set the target for a link (open a new page, a specific page, etc.).
Supporting Web Information:
This site holds HTML links tutorial.
http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/links.htmlLesson Activity #4:
FIrst introduce different graphic format and how it would influence a web site. Give some images to the students and teach them how to insert and customize images. Also teach them how to make images work as links, what's the browser safe colors, and how to change the image size and define its relationship with text.
Supporting Web Information:
This page is a HTML images tutorial site.
This site is used to help me modified the lesson plan.
http://www.htmlgoodies.com/tutors/image_formats.htmlLesson Activity #5 (Wrap-Up):
The final step is to teach students to publish their page on the web. Introduce them some servers and show them how to publish the web page.
Supporting Web Information:
This site contains frequently asked questions on web publishing.