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Grade: Elementary
Subject: Mathematics
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EPSY 5125 Assignment #3 (Lesson Plans) Fall 2002
Catalog Shopping Spree
Jeremy Vilkins Lester Mendaros
Ellen Berger Katy Babcock
Grade Level: 1
Subject: Math
Lesson Description: Over a period of a few weeks, students will use a multimedia program to create a catalog with pictures and prices. Students will then use others' catalogs to go "shopping." Additional money centers and lesson ideas are included.
CA Content Standards: Mathematics (Number Sense)
1.5 Identify and know the value of coins and show different combinations of coins that equal the same value.
2.0 Students demonstrate the meaning of addition and subtraction and use these operations to solve problems:
2.4 Count by 2s, 5s, and 10s to 100.NETS-Student Standards
Save and open files to/from the computer hard drive
Draw/paint or use a multimedia program like Kid Pix or Appleworks to draw a picture.
Lesson Objectives:
1. Create a catalog with ten items for sale, using multimedia software.
2. Use a catalog created by another student to shop with a set amount of money.
3. Practice addition and subtraction skills.
Lesson Steps:
1. Begin the lesson by reading some of the Read Alouds about money. Discuss the history, physical properties, and values of money. Review the values of different coins and dollars. Encourage ELL students to discuss their native currency or discuss currency from other countries (ELL students' countries) without the help of ELL students. (????)
2. Show various catalogs to the students such as book orders or anything else in which they would have an interest. Draw attention to the common features of the various catalogs (e.g., always showing the product/price/name and usually revolving around a theme such as books or toys. Allow the students time to browse through the catalogs independently.
3. Distribute 1 manila file folder and a Toys 'R Us Winter catalog to each student. Students' catalogs can be one or two pages (the inside of the manila folder) and need to have ten items with pictures, names and prices. Students with disabilities can reduce the number of items in their catalog to five if necessary. Create a receipt page on the back of the catalog (manila folder). It would be good to a have a sample to show them that you have already made. You should decide what kind of monetary increments the prices should be in. You may want everything to be in dollars depending on the level of your students. Base it on whatever coins or bills your students are currently learning to count with. Students cut and paste items they would like in their catalog to the inside of the manila folder. Students with disabilities could be paired with other students as needed to help them cut and paste. Students then label each picture with the name and price of each item.
4. Front of catalog (manila folder) will be designed on a multimedia software program. Students choose their own theme and title. Design must include student's name and an illustration. ELL students can use native language for front cover ONLY. Students with disabilities could be paired with other students as needed to design their front covers on the computer. They can also simplify the front cover design as needed.
5. Review with the class how to use the software and the tools they will need to make their catalog covers. Students will need to save their work. Go over the steps for saving. Students with disabilities can be paired with other students as needed to save their work.6. Students can work on their catalogs during centers (see special notes for other center ideas) or whole class in the computer lab. When they are done they should print two copies and save their work. Have them turn in one copy to you so you can check it. Have them put the other into a box for shoppers to browse. Students with disabilities can be paired with other students as needed to help them print their work.
7. Once students are done they are ready to go shopping. It may be a good idea to give them a certain amount of money that they can spend, such as five dollars each. They can pick out a catalog created by another student and buy what they wish. They can pay in different ways but in order to make sure they are practicing counting the money, they should have some play money to work with. One way is to have money stamps available and when they buy an item they need to stamp all of the purchases onto the catalog. (Or you can print out the money sheet from the web links section and they need to cut and glue all of the money they spend.) Having them cut and glue the money will give them more practice with money conversions. If you only give them only a five dollar bill and they have to go to the "bank" where other student are in charge of conversions it will help with their skills. Students will list the items that they have bought from the catalog including the price of each item on the receipt page of the catalog (back of manila folder). They will total the amount purchased and subtract the difference of the amount of money that they paid with. . Create a receipt page on the back of the catalog (manila folder). Students with disabilities can use smaller amounts of money if necessary. They need not write a list but can indicate what items they will buy through other methods. In addition, they can purchase a smaller number of items to simplify their calculations. These students can also be paired with other students as needed.
8. Once students are done shopping they have finished the lesson. Some extensions may be to have them go back to their catalogs and change the monetary increments so they can practice counting with different amounts.Extensions:
Possible center activities to go along with this lesson are as follows. While some students are working on the computers, other students can be: browsing the money read
alouds independently, role playing in a shopping center with a cash register, play money and products for purchase, playing money bingo, playing Monopoly, Junior, or listening to the Schoolhouse Rock-Money Rock. There are also many games and activities available on the other links listed. Many of these can be used as centers or extensions depending on your class needs.
Lesson Materials:
Read aloud books dealing with money:
The Story of Money, Betsey Maestro
Count Your Money with the Polk Street School, Patricia Reilly Giff
Round and Round the Money Goes, Melvin Berger
What Money Is and How We Can Use It, The Go-Around Dollar, Barbara Johnston Adams
The Money Book, Elise Richards
Funny Money, Lara Bergen
Money Stamps
Catalogs, such as book orders or toys
Materials for possible centers:
Cash register, groceries, play money, Money Bingo game, Monopoly Junior game, Schoolhouse Rock- Money Rock video or cassette.
Tech Materials:
Computer Printer Color Printer
Computer Platforms