Pubs bookbinding kits enable students to create their own hardbound books in the classroom. Kkits include pre-measured binder's board, cover sheets, end sheets and paper for pages, virtually eliminating teacher or volunteer prep time. Classroom Publishing is a Minneapolis-based company in the business of helping students develop writing skills through classroom publishing projects.Classroom publishing is a powerful learning experience for students of all ages, as projects draw on diverse interests and abilities. Whether a student is a writer, illustrator, planner, or organizer--whether the student is interested in music, biology, football, geography, history or any topic under the sun--classroom publishing enables students to explore their interests with the prospect of having a beautifully produced hardcover book to show for their efforts. Unlike blank books, Pubs bookbinding kits can bind materials produced by hand or with publishing software and desktop printers.
Producing a book for publication inspires students to aim high in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and all the other dimensions of writing. Pubs are available now for the first time directly to teachers. The Pubs kit eliminates teacher prep time for measuring and cutting materials for hardcover books. Thirty-book kits sell for $89.95. Kits include free "Pubs Guide to Writing" bookmarks and "Ex Libris" bookplates. Shipping is free.
For more information call Joseph Moses, Ph.D., Publisher, Classroom Publishing.
612-866-6890; toll free: 1-866-512-8097.Classroom Publishing 6009 11th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55417.
Fax: 612-866-6889