Grade: all
Subject: other

#2512. Counseling

, level: all
Posted Thu Mar 7 10:26:37 PST 2002 by Tandy Braid (
Page County, Luray, VA
Materials Required: see below
Activity Time: 30 minutes
Concepts Taught: Saying unkind things

Lesson- I Like Your Buttons and Andrew's Angry Words
Materials Needed: Books I Like Your Buttons by Nancy Cote and Andrew's Angry Words by
Dorothea Lachner . Classy comments- enough for 1 per student. Put another students name on it.
Read Andrew's Angry words aloud
Question Regarding reading:
1. Andrew's angry words escape and hurt a lot of people. How did the angry words get passed
around the town?
2. Andrew tries to catch the angry words, but it always seems to be too late. Should he have been
more cautious saying things out of anger?
3. Who is finally successful at catchign the angry words and putting them in their place? WHere
does she put them?
4. Does Andrew learn a lesson about controlling his angry words?
5. Are we able to take things back that come out of our mouths in anger?
6. How does he make up for his angry words?
7. Have you ever said angry or hurtful things to someone else that you later regretted?
8. Can your words affect another person?

Questions regarding reading:
1. How does saying kind things to others go full circle in this book?
Have student fill in Classy Comments section to person whose name is written onthe sheet.

Lesson- I Like Your Buttons and Andrew's Angry Words
Materials Needed: Books I Like Your Buttons by Nancy Cote and Andrew's Angry Words by
Dorothea Lachner . Classy comments- enough for 1 per student. Put another students name on it.
Read Andrew's Angry words aloud
Question Regarding reading:
1. Andrew's angry words escape and hurt a lot of people. How did the angry words get passed
around the town?
2. Andrew tries to catch the angry words, but it always seems to be too late. Should he have been
more cautious saying things out of anger?
3. Who is finally successful at catchign the angry words and putting them in their place? WHere
does she put them?
4. Does Andrew learn a lesson about controlling his angry words?
5. Are we able to take things back that come out of our mouths in anger?
6. How does he make up for his angry words?
7. Have you ever said angry or hurtful things to someone else that you later regretted?
8. Can your words affect another person?

Questions regarding reading:
1. How does saying kind things to others go full circle in this book?
Have student fill in Classy Comments section to person whose name is written onthe sheet.

Lesson- I Like Your Buttons and Andrew's Angry Words
Materials Needed: Books I Like Your Buttons by Nancy Cote and Andrew's Angry Words by
Dorothea Lachner . Classy comments- enough for 1 per student. Put another students name on it.
Read Andrew's Angry words aloud
Question Regarding reading:
1. Andrew's angry words escape and hurt a lot of people. How did the angry words get passed
around the town?
2. Andrew tries to catch the angry words, but it always seems to be too late. Should he have been
more cautious saying things out of anger?
3. Who is finally successful at catchign the angry words and putting them in their place? WHere
does she put them?
4. Does Andrew learn a lesson about controlling his angry words?
5. Are we able to take things back that come out of our mouths in anger?
6. How does he make up for his angry words?
7. Have you ever said angry or hurtful things to someone else that you later regretted?
8. Can your words affect another person?

Questions regarding reading:
1. How does saying kind things to others go full circle in this book?
Have student fill in Classy Comments section to person whose name is written onthe sheet.

Lesson- I Like Your Buttons and Andrew's Angry Words
Materials Needed: Books I Like Your Buttons by Nancy Cote and Andrew's Angry Words by
Dorothea Lachner . Classy comments- enough for 1 per student. Put another students name on it.
Read Andrew's Angry words aloud
Question Regarding reading:
1. Andrew's angry words escape and hurt a lot of people. How did the angry words get passed
around the town?
2. Andrew tries to catch the angry words, but it always seems to be too late. Should he have been
more cautious saying things out of anger?
3. Who is finally successful at catchign the angry words and putting them in their place? WHere
does she put them?
4. Does Andrew learn a lesson about controlling his angry words?
5. Are we able to take things back that come out of our mouths in anger?
6. How does he make up for his angry words?
7. Have you ever said angry or hurtful things to someone else that you later regretted?
8. Can your words affect another person?

Questions regarding reading:
1. How does saying kind things to others go full circle in this book?
Have student fill in Classy Comments section to person whose name is written onthe sheet.