Grade: all
Subject: other

#2515. Counseling

, level: all
Posted Thu Mar 7 10:31:13 PST 2002 by Tandy Braid (
Page County, Luray, VA
Materials Required: See below
Activity Time: 30 minutes
Concepts Taught: Bullying and being Mean

Lesson- Bullying
Materials Needed: Books, The Meanest Thing to Say by Bill Cosby and How to Lose All Your
Friends by Nancy Carlson.
Read The Meanest Thing to Say
Questions reagrding reading:
What happened the day that Michael Reilly started school?
What game does Michael introduce to the rest of the kids?Does it sound like a fun game?
What is fun about putting another person down?
Because of this conflict Little Bill has trouble studying, but his father helps him figure out what
to do. What is Dad's method of dealing with this bully?
How does Bill handle the situation? Does he turn the potential bully into a friend?
Read How to Lose All Your Friends
Have students make basketballs with the six ways to lose your friends.
What are the six ways to lose all your friends? Are we interested in keeping our friends or losing
them? Should we do these things? When we do do these things what should we do to let our
friends know we're sorry?