Grade: all
Subject: other

#2516. Counseling

, level: all
Posted Thu Mar 7 10:32:53 PST 2002 by Tandy Braid (
Page County, Luray, VA
Materials Required: See below
Activity Time: 30 minutes
Concepts Taught: Giving to Others

Lesson- But I Want it X-Mas
Materials Needed: Book But I Want it by Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Read Book aloud to students
Questions regarding reading:
1. What is it that Sammy thinks he needs?
2. WHy does he want all of them?
3. Is he being selfish?
4. Why can't Sammy sleep?
5. Does Mr. Gorilla help Sammy sleep?
6. Who is Sammy missing?
7. Why is Mr. Cat important to Sammy?
8. What generous action does Sammy do with the new stuffed toys?
9. Is it more important to have a lot of stuff, or to enjoy the stuff