Grade: Middle
Subject: other

#2522. Another Ice breaker

other, level: Middle
Posted Fri Mar 22 07:31:39 PST 2002 by Tandy Braid (
Page County Schools, Luray, VA
Materials Required: see below
Activity Time: 30 minutes
Concepts Taught: Ie breaker

Middle School Curriculum-

Ice-Breaker How well do you know me? Twenty questions.
Have students pair up with a partner and fill in the blanks for their partner as if they were
answering for their partner. The other partner does the same- no talking to partner yet.
You are going to fill this twenty question survey out as if you were the other person. If you have
no idea - guess! After you have both filled the survey in- correct the ones you got wrong- but
don't erase what you originally put. I will collect these to learn more about you.

1. My Name...
2. Where did we meet...
3. Take a stab at my middle name...
4. How long have you known me...
5. How well do you know me...
6. Do I cry at sad movies...
7. Am I a religious person...
8. When you first saw me what was your first impression ( remember this is of you!)
9. My age...
10. Birthday...
11. Do I have any siblings (brothers or sisters)...
12. What's my one favorite thing to do...
13. Do you remember one of the first things I sadi to you...
14. What's my favorite type of music...
15. Am I shy or outgoing...
16. Would you say I am funny...
17. Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules...
18. Do I have any special talents...
19. What's my favorite subject...
20. Your name is...