Grade: Middle
Subject: Science

#2634. Scientific Method science P.H.E.O.C.

Science, level: Middle
Posted Thu Jul 11 10:01:42 PDT 2002 by Heather Reliford (
MPS, Milwaukee, Wi
Materials Required: guide attached and a handout explaining PHEOC
Activity Time: one class hour
Concepts Taught: scientific method for experiments

Try copying and pasting this in excel, that's how I created it:
Hour_______________________ Date__________________________________________________________
Scientific Method Anticipation Guide

Directions- Read each statement and discuss it with your partner. For each statement, put a check in the box under "agree" if you believe the statement is true. Put a check in the box under "disagree" if you believe the statement is false.

Agree Disagree
, , A science experiment begins with a question or problem to be solved.

, , The hypothesis is a guess at what you think the solution to the problem is.

, , If one's hypothesis is incorrect, he or she must be dumb.

, , P.H.E.O.C. stands for the six steps of the scientific method.

, , Everything but the one thing you are testing should be the same in a controlled experiment.

, , A good procedure should tell us the precise sizes, amounts, or measurements.

, , You should not write down any observations or anything you see happening during an experiment; always use your memory for this.

, , Your conclusion should not have any data to explain your results.

, , The outcome of your experiment tells you if your hypothesis was right or wrong. You use this information to write your conclusion.

, , Research through books, the internet, and your teacher can help you to better understand the results of your experiment.

Start the lesson with the anticipation guide. Then construct the Problem, Hypothesis, Experiment, Observations, and Conclusion definitions through a class discussion.
Compare the class' construction of information with the hand out's. E-mail me if you'd like the guide sent as an excel document it looks really nice.