This game is an adaption of the TV show Jeopardy. It is an old game but it works really well to review for chapter tests or to just have a "catch-up day". It takes a little planning beforehand.1. On construction paper write the word RIESGO one letter per sheet and tape to the top of the dry erase board. Come up with the categories for this game. For example, verbs, nouns, vocab, time, addition, preterit or imperfect. The topics should fit whatever one, on is studying or reviewing at the present time.
2. On more constrution paper write the answers to specific questions. Turn questions around and tape the the questions on the board in order of increasing difficulty. Then write the dollar amounts on the visual sid eof the construction paper.
3. Divide the class into teams. On rotating basis have a representative form each group step forward. I use a hand held bell.
4. Let the game begin. The questions review the interrogatives and as well as the numbers. I follow the gameshow rules as we play.Students are very competetive and it is amazing how they will pay attention and therefore remember from this activity.
1. Student will use current vocabulary and grammar.
2. Students will use interrogatives correctly.
3. Studetns will use numbers correctly.
4. Students will will read and speak in the target language. (NO English allowed throughout the whole game even in level one).