Grade: Middle

#2646. Iditarod Background

Reading/Writing, level: Middle
Posted Sun Aug 4 12:25:22 PDT 2002 by Kathryn J. Larimer (
A-C Valley Jr./Sr. High School, Foxburg, PA
Materials Required: Computers w/ Internet Access
Activity Time: 42 minutes
Concepts Taught: Reading for Information

The teacher will introduce the Iditarod by showing pictures of dogs, mushers, etc. Pictures will be printed and displayed by the teacher. These pictures can be accessed from the following web site:

Have the students go to an organized site web page to explore links to Iditarod information. The following web page was very useful:

Assign students to work in pairs. Give them a worksheet and have them access the Treasure Hunt page (shortcut on desktop) and click on corresponding Treasure Hunt.


Students will share the results of their Treasure Hunt with the class.