Grade: all
Subject: other

#2778. SHOW TIME !!!!!

, level: all
Posted Mon Dec 30 08:41:17 PST 2002 by Megan Kelly (
Silversprings Elememtary School, Northville, MI

for this game the class must be split into groups of 3 or 4. each group is given: small block of wood or styrofoam, sand paper, string, 2 pairs of snippers, dry erase board and marker, and materials from their desk sush as a pencil or markers. They are to make a story board and create a small play with the poeple and materials they have. When they have practiced their play about 4 time they will show the class their story board,then the play that was made from it. The class will then give compliments on how it fit with the story board and how it did not . Enjoy the game!!!