Grade: 3-5
Subject: Music

#279. Animusic 1

Music, level: 3-5
Posted Fri Aug 14 08:41:25 PDT 2009 by Jeff Garrard (Jeff Garrard).
Animusic Education page
Animusic, Austin TX USA
Materials Required: TV and DVD player
Activity Time: 30-40 minutes
Concepts Taught: Music, pitch, melody, rhythm

These examples, developed by music teachers, correlate with items 6, 7 and 8 of the National Standards for Music Education.

Show students one or more of the videos from the Animusic 1 DVD then proceed with discussion and exercises.

Recognition of high and low sounds. Discuss which instruments are creating high pitches and which are creating low pitches. Identify when the higher and/or lower sounds enter a piece.
Consider the instrumentation of each musical selection.
- Which instruments are "pitched" and which are "unpitched"?
- Which sounds can you reproduce with your voice?

What is the pulse grouping of this piece? Can you identify which instrument or instruments help you locate this?
Metronome effect; backbeat vs. beat (hi-hat); can you play these rhythms on a drum set? Can you maintain the pulse in your foot while clapping one of the other rhythms in your hands?

- What are the challenges associated with this activity?

- Can you find the underlying pulse of this piece? Does the use of rests, or silence, in the music make it difficult to find the pulse?

- Can you tap or clap the pulse?


Use "Aqua Harp" as the basis for these discussions:

Recognition of a single line of melody introduced by the harp. How many times is this single line of melody played before another sound and instrument is introduced?

- Ask students if they notice how all subsequent instruments that "join in" are attached to the harp; provides a simultaneous visual and aural representation of how the entire piece is built on, and relates back to, a single line of melody.