Grade: Elementary
Subject: Games
Visit the website for additional ideas.Materials: Sturdy paper for the cone that 11" x 14", markers or crayons,
scissors, glue, stapler, hole punch, a wooden bead or heavy button for the
ball. 24" of string.Lay posterboard flat and measure cone 11" along the side and 14" along the
top.Before you cut out the cone, decorate it with Mexican art patterns using
markers and crayons (we provide examples of different patterns).Staple the sides of the cone and glue the bottom tip.
Punch 1 hole near the top edge of the cone.
Cut the string about 2 feet long. Put one end into the hole (punched near
top end of cone) and knot string on the inside. Tie bead or button on
other end of the string as the 'ball'.We let the children know that this game is played throughout the world, and
in Mexico players may compete for prizes during Fiestas and other events.