Grade: Senior
Subject: Language

#2855. Two day trip in Paris

Language, level: Senior
Posted Sat May 3 22:49:37 PDT 2003 by Nathalie Nicolay-Welch (
Darlington School, Rome, Georgia, U.S.A.
Activity Time: 2.5 weeks

Unit: Journey to France

I. Descriptive Data

Teacher: Nathalie Nicolay-Welch, Darlington School, Rome, Georgia
Class: French 2 Honors
Lessons: Leçon 1: Les loisirs culturels
Leçon 2: La banque et la poste
Leçon 3: La gastronomie
Leçon 4: L'hôtel
Leçon 5: Les transports en commun
Leçon 6: Projet de Groupe
Time: 2.5 weeks

II. Goals and Objectives of Unit

ACTFL's 5 Cs: Communication, Cultures, Communities, Comparisons, and Connections.

"Instructional Aims:
To strengthen student perceptions of the real-world importance of mastering a foreign language, to give students practice in reading and writing French, and to engage students in using their knowledge of French to plan a tour of Paris.
1. ACTFL-1.1

Engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
2. ACTFL-1.2

Understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
3. ACTFL-1.3

Present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4. ACTFL-2.1

Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
5. ACTFL-2.2

Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
6. ACTFL-3.1

Reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.
7. ACTFL-3.2

Acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
8. ACTFL-4.2

Demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and one's own.
9. ACTFL-5.1

Use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
10. ACTFL-5.2

Show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment." (Source:

III. Rationale

At the end of the second year of French, students should be able to travel inside a French-speaking country, express themselves, ask for and follow directions, have their basic needs for food and shelter met, and be able to communicate with the natives.

IV. Procedure
1. Have the students learn the vocabulary. The students will use présent, passé composé, imparfait, passé proche, future, future proche, and conditionnel to express themselves.
2. Have students work in small groups to plan a two-day tour of Paris. In each group there will be a leader, a material manager, and a reporter. Members will rotate their function in the group, so everyone will have the chance of being a leader, a material manager and a reporter.

3. Have each group prepare a detailed itinerary for its tour showing the route they propose to follow each day: leaving the hotel, seeing to two monuments, visiting an art exhibit, going shopping at a department store, going to a restaurant, and returning to the hotel.
4. Have the students role play typical encounters and experiences on their imaginary tour: a) finding a hotel and reserving a room, changing dollars into Euros, b) taking the bus, metro, and asking for directions, c) asking for the location of a particular work of art in a museum, d) buying, writing, and mailing a postcard home, e) buying something at a department store, and f) ordering a meal at a restaurant.

5. Have each group create a PowerPoint slide show of their two days and present it to the class. Have each group make a model of one of the two monuments.

6. Have each students write a journal of the trip, using different tenses.

7. Each group will make up three challenging questions in French for assessment.
V. Lesson Plan (lesson 6)
I. Goal
Student will be able to take a fictional trip to Paris and be able to survive and enjoy their stay.

II. Objectives

1. The students will apply the vocabulary learned.

2. The students will learn historical facts.

3. The students will learn PowerPoint.

4. The students will read, write, and speak French.

5. The students will learn cooperation and social skills.

III. Content

1. Vocabulary, idioms and grammar.

2. Historical facts and useful information.

3. Different resource media.

4. Different communication media.

IV. Process

1. The students will demonstrate their comprehension of the target language and apply it in a real life situation.

2. The students will create a PowerPoint presentation, build a model, write a 1 page journal, show 1 role-play, and write 3 questions for the class. They have €2,000 to spend.

V. Procedures

A. PowerPoint slide show components:

Each slide will have a) a title in French, b) facts listed in bullet format, c) attractive font and layout, d) a link to the home page, and e) same transition movement for all slides.
A total of 10 slides are required: (1) title slide, (1) maps slide, (1) itinerary slide, (2) monument slides, (2) restaurant/hotel slides, (1) museum slide, (1) department store slide, (1) website list/conclusion slide.

1. Title slide showing a scene of Paris in the background with the group members' names, and the class.

2. Maps of Paris, of the Métro, the RER and bus lines, ticket picture, prices.

3. The group's well organized itinerary.

4. Two different monuments to be visited with pertinent info and links.

5. A hotel and 2 different restaurants with menus and links.

6. A museum and art exhibit with pertinent info and links.

7. A department store with pertinent info and links.

8. Web sites list and conclusion paragraph.

B. Checkpoints:

1. Detailed itinerary to be turned in on _______
2. Typed texts for slides and websites list be turned in on _______
3. Journal to be turned in on __________
4. The model to be turned in on_____________
5. Three questions to be turned in on __________
6. Role-Play on __________
7. Presentation on __________
8. Peer evaluation to be turned in on_________

C. Detailed Itinerary:

2.Practical informations
3.Mode(s) of Transportation (Métro/RER/Bus)
4.Address and Directions
5.Web sites/other sources of informations

Monument 1

Monument 2


Restaurant 1

Restaurant 2

Department Store

Museum and Art Exhibit

E. Journal

1. Each student will write a personal journal page in French of his/her two-day tour of Paris mentioning his/her favorite monument.
2. Each group will turn in a weekly journal of the group activities.
3. Each student will write a postcard to be mailed home. Print the postcard and put the correct mailing cost (stamp) on it. Visit

F. Role-Play

Each group will perform 1 role-play for 2 of the following situations:

1. Changing money.
2. Buy an article in a department store.
3. Order a meal.
4. Ask directions to a Parisian.

G. Model

1.The group needs to show the plan of the model.
2.The model should be made from strong materials.
3.The model should be eye-catching.
4.The model needs to have pertinent information and history.
5.The model will be display in the school library.

VI. Assessment

A. Project
1.PowerPoint presentation content: 50 points
2.PowerPoint presentation: 30 points
3.Role-play: 40 points
4.The model: 50 points
5.Journal: 10 points
6.Weekly journals/ postcard: 15 points
7.Peer evaluation: 5 points
Total: 200 points
B. Test

The day after the last presentation, there will be a test based on each group's three questions and three questions from Mrs. Welch.

VII. Resources/ Materials
1. Textbook.
2. Internet, Books, printed materials.
3. PowerPoint.
4. Diskette/CD.
5. Printed postcard.
6. Journal notebook.
7. Props for the role-plays.
8. Materials for the model.


 Each group will have a group leader, a material manager, and a reporter.
 There will be a journal kept by the reporter of all that happened during the project.
 Each member will rotate his/her function, so everyone participate.
 Everyone will participate in the role-plays.
 Each member will participate in the making of the model.
 Each member will evaluate the others in the group.
The class will meet in the library for research and for Internet and PowerPoint access.
© Nathalie Nicolay-Welch