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Grade: Elementary
Subject: Science
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Student Name:
Wafa AhmedID#: 9922004
Instructor Name:
Nancy CerezoCourse #
EDC 497 BSemester:
Spring 2003
IndexCurriculum map¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K.. 3.
Time frame¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K... 4.
Essential questions¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K 5.
Tasks (Content areas, Description, The multiple intelligences, and The thinking processes)¡K¡K¡K¡K.. 6.
Task one¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K. 5-6.
Task two ¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K 6-8.
Task three¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K... 8-10.
Task four¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K 10-11.
Task five¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K.. 11-13.
Task six¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K. 13-14.
Assessment¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K. 15-17.
Resources¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K. 18.
Appendix¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K.. 19.
Grade Level: One
Topic: Animals.
Subjects: All the subjects in grade one without Math.
Skills: Reading, writing, listening, viewing, and speaking.Time frame
Tasks Months
1 March-15 April Classes
(45 min each class)
Task one First four days of the first week 4
Task two Last day of first week and complete the all second week 6
Task three
The first day of third week 4
Task four Fourth week 5
Task five The first two week of April Two week (10 classes)
Task six The first day of third week of April 1
Essential Questions:
1. Why do we have so many different kinds of animals?
2. How can I classify animals?
3. What can I get from animals?
The tasks:Task 1:
¡§Animals¡¦ Alphabet¡¨
Each student will make a poster of animals¡¦ alphabet by post picture of animal and his first letter from A to Z.First class the teacher will post some pictures of difference animals in the board. Ask students to name these animals and what is the first letter of them. Second class the teacher will ask each student to burning 26 pictures of difference animals, must be their first letters difference because they will write the alphabet in the poster with pictures, that they will put for each letter the picture that start by this letter, which will start from letter A to letter Z. this task will take four classes for collect pictures and post them.
This task is for ¡§English¡¨ area.
The students will learn from this task the alphabet that they in grade one which they will learn the names of animals and the alphabets together in the same time. Also they will learn how to work by themselves.The multiple intelligences are:
„X Linguistic Intelligence (Language): The student learns how to write the letters, and read the names of animals from the board.
„X Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: The students in grad one enjoy to works by their hands, when they make their own poster of animals alphabet.
„X Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self): The students will work individual to make the poster, and they will learn how to make their work by own self.
The Thinking Process:
„X Uses a variety of thinking skills: The students will listen to the new names and information about animals and write the names and letters of the animals that they chose to make their poster.
„X Integrate new information with existing knowledge and experience. That the students already know the letters, but they will knows and learns new animals and some information about them.
Task 2:
"The Animals Stories"
Individual work each student makes her own story by drawing and make it as a booklet for all class work.
This task will take six classes. In first three classes of the week teacher explain to the students some information about the animals. For example, she teaches them how and where are the animals live? Also what are the benefits of animals? That the teacher will use overhead, projector, and some books about animals to explain to them the new information. So by what they learn and know they will draw their pictures and tell story about it. And for drawing the pictures of story and put all the drawing of the students in a booklet, it will take two classes to do it. The last class they will presents their stories in front of the class.
This task is for ¡§English, Arabic, and Art¡¨ areas. The students will learn how to imagine picture that tell story and how to draw their pictures. Also they will learn new and good information about difference animals. Also the will learn how to read the information like the name of animals, some description about these animals. Also learn how to view the pictures of animals, which they see the details of the animals, that then they will draw them. Also the students can develop observation and recording skills with regard to colour, shape, texture and use responses to different activities as a stimulus for creative and imaginative work
The multiple intelligences are:
Linguistic Intelligence (Language): The student learns how to read the new information about animals. Also they learn to view the pictures of animals and their description.
Visual-Spatial Intelligence (Artistic-Spatial): When the students draw their pictures by use colored markers. That makes the students interest and learn how to create new things.
Interpersonal Intelligence (Social): When they work together to collects their painting and make a booklet. They learn how to communicate with each other and discuss how to do it.
Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self): they learn how depend on themselves, when they draw their pictures and each one of them chose her story of drawing and color.The Thinking Process:
„X Integrate new information with existing knowledge and experience. That the students will knows and learns more information about difference animals, which they didn¡¦t know them before.
„X Uses thinking processes to interpret information. The students will think of their drawing and how they can draw pictures that tells story about animals.
Task 3:
¡§Benefits of animals¡¨
Group of students make a flipchart of the benefits of animals.This task will take four classes to do it. In the first class the teacher will review the lesson of the benefits of animals with the students. In the next two classes she will divide them into groups that include three students in one group, then explain to them how to make a tableau by cut pictures of four difference animals that they chose and put for each animal the benefits of it, they can take pictures from magazines, newspapers, and internet then glue them in the tableau. The last class, each group will present their work by tell to the class about their animals and their benefits, and then hung their work in the class` wall.
This task is for ¡§Science, and Islamic¡¨ areas. The students will learn about the benefits of the animals and why God create them. Also they will learn how to work in group. Also learn how to present their work in front of all class, which is encouraging their selves.
The multiple intelligences are:
Linguistic Intelligence (Language): The student learns how to listen to their teacher and how to review the information that they took before. Also they will discuss the information which they will speak.
Interpersonal Intelligence (Social): When they work together in groups to collects the pictures that they need for their work. And work together to present their work.
The Thinking Process:
„X Uses a variety of thinking skills: they will use many difference skills, they will listen to their teacher and to each other, and also they will discuss the information between them, and view the pictures which they will use in their work.
„X Uses thinking processes to interpret information: That the students create tableau, which make them think of what kinds of animals they can chose and it has good benefits. Also use the information that they know to do their tableau.
„X Organizes and manages information: That they will use magazines, newspapers, and internet to find the pictures that they needs for the tableau.
Task 4:¡§Zoo & Farm Animals¡¨
Two groups of students create the model of farm animals and other two groups will create model of zoo animals.
This task will take five classes to make it. In the first class the teacher will ask students to bring difference kinds of farm and zoo animals¡¦ toys and colored paper to make a model of farm and zoo animals, and explain to them how to make the model. The other four classes they will be work on it.
This task is for ¡§Science¡¨ areas. The students will ask question to understand more information about animals. They will identify and compare different animals, their habitats, and consider the different contributions of animals to the local environment.
The multiple intelligences are:
Linguistic Intelligence (Language): The student likes ask questions about animals and they discuss between them in theirs groups.
Visual-Spatial Intelligence (Artistic-Spatial): When the students cut the colored paper and make shape of zoo or farm animals. Also when they draw and paint the model.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Physical): They enjoy activities and working with her hands to create the model and learns by doing.
Interpersonal Intelligence (Social): They like work in group to create the model of zoo and farm animals.
The Thinking Process:
„X Uses a variety of thinking skills: they will ask questions to understand and learn more information about animals.
„X Uses thinking processes to interpret information: That the students think how to make their model and have good presentation.
„X Combines information in new and unique ways: That the students will create a model of zoo animals and a model of farm animals.
Task 5:
¡§Good Night, Gorilla¡¨
Group of students do a dramatic play about the ¡§Good Night, Gorilla¡¨
The task will take two week to do it. First class the teacher tells to the students the story of the drama¡¨ Good Night, Gorilla¡¨ and read it together. The next classes the teacher will give to each student the character of the play. Each student study and understand his/her character. However teacher and students have to prepare the materials that they need like: Nets, clothes, masks, cage, trees, some pictures of animals, and stuffed animals. Finally set out the materials. Children can pretend to be a zoo keepers working at the zoo and feeding the animals in front of the school.This task is for ¡§English, Arabic, and Science¡¨ areas. That¡¦s the students will read the story of ¡§Zoo keeper¡¨ and understand it very well and pretend it. This activity can be developed to present stories and to show understanding of different aspects of the relationship between animals.
The multiple intelligences are:
Linguistic Intelligence (Language): The student likes read story and they have good memory for names and places. They learn by reading and listening.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Physical): They enjoy activities and likes to doing drama play.
Interpersonal Intelligence (Social): They like work in group to and will have fun when they play drama and do great job together.
The Thinking Process:
„X Uses thinking processes to interpret information: That the students think how to present the character of the animal. Also the words of the story they must study them very well.
„X Recognizes and monitor own use of thinking processes: That the teacher will observe students work and how they understand the story. Also she will be the director of the play and be sure that the students study the story and the entire stuffed are ready when they play the drama.
Task 6:¡§I like the animals¡¨
Give students work sheet to do as a test of what they learn from all these tasks.
This task will take one class and it will be the last thing the student will do it in this integrated unit about animals. Teacher will gives the students work sheet to work on it to see what they learn from all these tasks.
This task is for ALL areas.The multiple intelligences are:
Linguistic Intelligence (Language): The student likes read, that they will read the questions and write the answers and view the pictures to solve problem and listen to their teacher when she read the questions.
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Math-Logic): That the students thinking to solve this problem and have good answers.
Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self): they learn how depend on themselves, when they do the worksheet and answer it by themselves.The Thinking Process:
„X Uses a variety of thinking skills: they will read the questions and write answers, view the pictures, and listen to their teacher.
„X Uses thinking processes to interpret information: That the students think how to answer the worksheet and have goods information to have a good marks.
„X Recognizes and monitor own use of thinking processes: That the teacher will observe students when they do the worksheet and help them if they needs help, which is like test for the unit.Impotent notes:
For all the tasks the most important thinking process is recognizes and monitors own use of thinking processes. That in grade one when teacher make students to do any activity, she must walk around them and observe their work, that if they want help she can help them and give advice.Assessments:
This integrated unit about animals and I will make it 80 marks and the teacher can divide to each areas that she use these tasks in it.Task 1:
¡§Animals¡¦ Alphabet¡¨
Each student will make a poster of animals¡¦ alphabet by post picture of animal and his first letter from A to Z.„X Put the letters in order.(4 points)
„X Creative work with colored pictures.(4 points)
„X Good presentation.(2 points)
Total 10 points
Task 2:
"The Animals Stories"
Individual work each student makes her own story by drawing and make it as a booklet for all class work.
„X How many good sentences and information about animals.(5 points)
„X The draw has story idea, that the other children can tell story when see the drawing.(4 points)
„X Clean drawing and painting.(3 points)
„X Good presentation. (3 points)
Total 15 pointsTask 3:
¡§Benefits of animals¡¨
Group of students make a flipchart of the benefits of animals.Excellent Very Good Good Weak
Right benefit with right animal 4 3 2 1
Effective & cooperating group work
3 3 2 0
Clean work 3 2 1 0
Total 10 8 5 1
Task 4:¡§Zoo & Farm Animals¡¨
Two groups of students create the model of farm animals and other two groups will create model of zoo animals.
„X Correct definition and location of the zoo animals and farm animals.(4 points)
„X Effective & cooperating group work.(3 points)
„X Good presentation and clean work.(2 points)
„X Good size for the shape.(1 point)
Total 10 points
Task 5:
¡§Good Night, Gorilla¡¨
Group of students do a dramatic play about the ¡§Good Night, Gorilla¡¨.
Excellent Very good Good
Present the character 5 4 3
Clearly & completely sentences 5 4 3
Clean clothes 5 4 3
Total 15 12 9
Task 6:
¡§I like the animals¡¨
Give students work sheet to do as a test of what they learn from all these tasks.
Excellent Good weak
Question one 3 2 1
Question two 6-5 4-3 2-1
Question three 4 3 2-1
Question four 7-6 5 4-3-2-1
Total 20-18 14-13 9-6-5-4Resources:
Internet addresses:
Books used:
„X Textbooks of grade one.
„X Stories.
Materials to gather:
„X White board.
„X Pens.
„X Overhead.
„X Projector.
„X Colored papers
„X Colored pencil and pens.
„X Glue.
„X cuter1. Make line between animal and his benefit:
2. Write the names of these animals:
3. Draw one animal that start by letter C and K:
4. Classify the zoo animals and farm animals:
cow, tiger, elephant, sheep, fox, monkey, donkey,
Zoo animals Farm animals