Grade: Elementary
Subject: other


other, level: Elementary
Posted Sun May 18 21:37:01 PDT 2003 by Aisha Mohamed (
Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Zayed University
Abu Dhabi
Unite Arab Emirates
Education College
EDC 497B

Name: Aisha Mohamed Ahamed Al hamed
ID# 9925261
To : Dr. Nancy

This unit is created for UAE curriculum for:

Grade: 2


To improve some skills which are:


MATH ΗαεδΟΣΙ Length Numbers +
Counting until 999 Weight weight
and environment Human
and environment Human
Sounds around
us Human + Sounds around us Human
ARABIC In school The good student The union UAE's son Public
God Cleanness Provide
Mohamed The parent The

MATH Adding and subtracting
Two digits numbers Fractions Fraction Review
SCIENCE Human and
Warmth Human and
Movement Day and
night Review
environment Muslim characteristic Hobbes Review
Mohamed Islamic role Islamic
Parts Review

The Environment

Unite topic: The Environment

Integrated subject:

Subject Math Arabic Islamic
Topic Weight Public places Cleanness Human and sound

Essential questions:

1. What do you see in the environment?
2. What do you get form the environment?
3. How do you keep your environment clean?

The 5 tasks:
Environment's collection
1- Teacher and students collect different objects from the environment which have voice (animal, bell, etc) or tape player to the class then students write what each voice related to. Then see if some students know other sounds and they can produce and the rest of the class can figure out what it is.
The area: Science

Task 2:
School visit
2- Students will visit some public places and listen to the directory who will identify a little bit about each place and use some visual resource like T.V or pictures. Students will write two sentences. One about what they like and the other about what they don't in these places.
The area: Arabic

Description: students will play a drama that shows how cleanness is important. Students will use the wiseness that they took during their normal classes.

The area: Islamic

Each students will weigh them self and record it in a paper. In pairs student see the different between her and the classmate weight. Then Students look for the fattest and thinner students in the class. Then teacher present the result on overhead projector.

The area: Math

Task 5:
Students look on the net for some pollution (air, land or water) which effect on the environment. Students collect some pictures for the pollution and write one sentence about each picture. Finally each student speaks aloud in front of the class about her search, what is about and what her suggestions for her friends to save it. Then the teacher hung their pictures on the chalkboard.

The area: Arabic

Time Table:

Time Task Length of the classes
(one week) 1
Environment collection
(Science) 4
(2 weeks) 2
School visit
(Arabic) 7
(One week) 3
(Islamic) 4
(One week) 4
(Math) 3
(One week) 5
(Arabic) 4

The 5 tasks:

Environment's collection
1- Teacher and students collect different objects from the environment which have voice (animal toys, bell, toys etc) or tape player to the class then students write what each voice related to. Then see if some students know other sounds and they can produce and the rest of the class can figure out what it is.
The details:
First class: teacher gives the direction about which kind of object she wants. She Uses samples or picture from the textbook to identify her idea.
Second class: teacher collects the objects from the students and sees if it appropriate. Teacher divides the objects into human, animals and things with students help.
Third class: teacher lets the students hear the voices and one by one from the toys and the tape then record if in is human, animal, or thing. Students write which type of animals (e.g. lion, cat), human (e.g. baby, man) or things (wind, ring) they think it produces. Teacher walks around and checks students. After that, she collects students' answers.
Forth class: teacher lets the students hear the same sounds with the same order and check their answers together.
The area: Science
Students will be able to: 1- Identify each voice.
2- Practice the alphabets.
Skill(s): - writing
- Listening
- Visual
Multiple intelligences: - Visual- spatial intelligence
- Musical intelligence
Thinking process: integrates new information with existing knowledge and experience.
Students already know most of the animals and most of the sound about so they will know that some sounds related to animals, human or things.
Life skill: Lifelong Learning
Initiates own learning
• Use appropriate strategies to identity and meet needs and goals.
• Use reflection and feedback for self-evaluation.

Intelligence Technologies
Visual-Spatial Animals toys, bell
Musical Speakers, games, tape player

Task 2:
School visit
2- Students will visit some public places and listen to directory that will identify a little bit about each place and use some visual resource like T.V or pictures. Students will write four sentences. Two about what they like and the others about what they didn't in these places.
The details:
First day (5 classes): students go in visit to different places (e.g. museum, zoo, shopping mall, park, etc) and listen to talker in the museum if possible who will uses or shows picture or listen to the teacher comment about each place.
Second class: teacher discuss with her students about what did they see.
Third class: students write two sentences about what they like and other two about what they didn't like.
The area: Arabic
Students will be able to: 1- Practice writing.
2- Say their opinion about what they had seen.
Skills(s): Writing
Multiple intelligences: -Visual-Spatial Intelligence.
- Linguistic intelligent.
Thinking process: balances reason and emotion in decision-making
Students say their opinion after listing to the talker and write the sentence depending on .
Life skill: Responsible Citizenship
Participates in activities that promote the public good.
• Understand environmental systems.
• Works toward improvement in society.

Students will play a drama that shows how cleanness is important. Students will use the wisesness that they took during their normal classes.
The details:
First class: teacher explain what for the student what she want from them to do and gives each students a characteristic to act out.
Second class: students do a practice.
Third class: students act out what they have learnt in front of the teacher.
Fourth class: students act out what they have practiced in front of the school to show others how cleanness is important and how our religion likes to be clean in every where. (Acting out in front of the school gives the students' especially young ones good reason or goal to work because they like to attract the attention)
Subject: Islamic
Students will be able to: 1-Use the wise that they memorize.
2- Identify what is good and bad behavior.
Skill(s): listing
Thinking process: integrates a variety of thinking skills into holistic
Students used what they had learn in Islamic to their real life.

Multiple intelligences: -Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence.
- Interpersonal intelligence.
Life skill: effective communication
• Plans, organizes and selects ideas to communicate.
• Selects modes of communication appropriate to the purpose.
Life skill: complex thinking
Demonstrates a variety of thinking processes
• Use a variety of thinking skills
Integrates new information with existing knowledge an experience.
• Use thinking processes to interpret information
• Combines information in new and unique ways.

Intelligence Technologies
Bodily-Kinesthetic Physical education equipment, inclined plane.
Interpersonal Collaborative project

Each students will weigh them self and record it in a paper. In group of four students see the different between her and the classmate weight using less than and bigger than. Then teacher present the result on overhead projector to compare between different groups.
The details:
First class: teacher reviews adding and subtracting for the students.
Second class: teacher brings weighing machine to the class and makes each student weight them self. Each student record her weight and the teacher records all the result.
Third class: students in group of four see who is has the bigger number (the fastest) and who is the smallest (the thinner). Each student compares her weight according to three student's weights that are with her in the same group using less than and bigger than sings.
Teacher checks students using of the sings
Teacher presents students weight on overhead projector and asks students to make a comparative between any two weights.
Teacher writes the γΪΗΟαΙ on the board.

The area: Math
Skill(s): learn how to subtract two numbers.
Multiple Intelligences: - Logical-Mathematical intelligence
- Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence.
- Interpersonal intelligence.
- Visual-Spatial Intelligence.
Thinking process: combines information in new and unique ways.
Students think in their weigh in more logical way that the fast has a bigger number than the thinner.
Life skill: Collaboration
Understand and serves in a variety of roles.
• Shifts roles smoothly.
Facilitates groups effectively.
• Evaluate quality of ideas and potential results.
• Uses resources effectively.
Use resources effectively.
• Identifies needed resources necessary to solve problems.

Intelligence Technologies
Bodily-Kinesthetic Physical education equipment, inclined plane.
Logical-Mathematical Measuring weight
Visual-Spatial Overhead projector.
Interpersonal Collaborative project

Task 5:
Students look on the net for some pollution (air, land or water) which effect on the environment. Students collect some pictures for the pollution and write one sentence about each picture. Finally each student speaks aloud in front of the class about her search, what is about and what her suggestions for her friends to save it. Then the teacher hides their pictures on the chalkboard.
The details:
First class: teacher explains what the three types of pollution. She uses pictures or the textbook to show the pollutions.
Second class: teacher asks students to use the net and look for some types of pollution. Make students choose one type of pollution and search about it. Teacher gives students the web sit and the three key words (air, water, land pollution) for the search. Students put the key words and search. Students print out the appropriate pictures.
Third class: students a sentence write about each picture. Teacher walks around and helps students with the spelling.
Fourth class: students present their work and talk about their pollution.

The area: Arabic
Skill(s): - speaking
- Listening
- Writing
- Searching
- Presenting
Learning outcome(s): Students will be able to - search on the net.
- give logical reason for each pollution.

Multiple intelligences: - Linguistic Intelligence
- Visual-Spatial Intelligence.
Thinking process: organize and manage information.
Students choose which pollution they want to talk about and manage it to present it.
Life skill: lifelong learning
Initiates own learning
• Uses appropriate strategies to identify and meet needs and goals.
• Organizes resources and time efficiently.
Achieves high standard of literacy
• Applies technology to live, learn and work successfully in an increasingly complex and information-rich society.
Manages information
• Use appropriate information-seeking strategies.
• Evaluate, interprets, organize and synthesize information.
• Presents information in a variety of forms.

Intelligence Technologies
Linguistic Web site, pencil, written paper.
Visual-Spatial Computer, pictures.

Task 1: (100 point)
Environment collection:
1. Bring two objects that have voice (20 point)
2. Get the name of the object's sound correctly from the tape recorder (20 point)
3. Put it in correct group human, animal, things (20 point)
4. Correct spelling (20 point)
5. Imitate any voice (10 point)

Task 2: (100 point)
School visit:
1. Four sentence (15point)
2. Two sentences about what they like in the visit (15point)
3. Two sentences about what they didn't like in the visit(15point)
4. Correct spelling (15point)
5. Correct grammar(15point)
6. Hand it on time(10point)

Task 3: (100 point)
1. Student attend practice classes (20point)
2. Memorize the wises (20point)
3. Be strong to stand and talk in front of the others (20point)
4. Do all the steps correctly (20point)
5. Set up the material before the play (10point)

Task 4: (100point)
1. Weigh him self and write the number (10point)
2. Work in group of four (20point)
3. Use correct sing bigger than or less than (20point)
4. Write the numbers correctly (20point)
5. Find the fastest and the thinner one in the group (20point)

Task 5: (100 point)
1. Listen to the teacher direction (15point)
2. 3 pictures (15point)
3. Choose one pollution (15point)
4. One sentence about each picture (15point)
5. Present the work (15point)
6. Give suggestions (10point)
7. use the net (15point)

Internet addresses:
Book used:
- Animals toys
- Tape recorder
- Pictures
- Textbook
- Weighing machine
- Computers
- Web site
- Pencil
- Computer
- Overhead projector.