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Grade: Middle
Subject: Reading/Writing
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SUBJECT ENGLISH TEXTBOOK: New Active English , Book 5
TIME: 3 Periods of 30 Min. Each UNIT TOPIC: "Traffic"
INSTRUCTIONAL GOAL : To teach about traffic & its rules and develop reading and speaking skills
PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE : By the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:Ø Orally Explain what does the word 'Traffic" meanØ Describe different things that make-up traffic Ø Write a letter to the editor about the condition of roads near their schoolØ Differentiate between the usage of the words 'before' and 'after', 'a', 'an', 'some', 'any'. etc.
RATIONALE (brief justification -- why you feel the students need to learn this topic)With the advent of cars, motorcycles, buses, and other mode of conveyance on one hand, and the conditions of the roads on the other hand, we have to know the traffic rules that apply. Most of the road accidents happen because of the condition of the roads. For safety purposes it is necessary to make the children aware of the fact that all of us should be careful while out on roads.
LESSON CONTENT (what is to be taught)Ø Article on traffic - Pg. 68Ø Use of conjunctions ' before' and 'after - Pg. 70Ø Difference between usage of 'a', 'an', 'any', 'some'. etc. - Pg. 70 / 71Ø Letter-writing
INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES 1st Period:Introduction and Revision: Revision of the previous lessonLesson Sequence:a. Focusing event (something to get the students' attention) Before starting the lesson, the teacher will motivate the students by asking them few questions like:1. How do they come to school?2. Can they come to school if there are no roads?3. How do they cross the road? 4. How can they cross a river in a car?b. Teaching procedures After motivation the teacher will tell the students that they will be learning about 'Traffic' and difference between roads, bridges, and footpaths. She will write the topic on the board and ask them to open the book at pg no. 68. Along with this, a chart of new words with meanings will be fixed on the soft board. Alternatively, she can ask the students which words come to their mind when they talk about roads / traffic, and write them on the green board. Then the teacher will teach the words with correct pronunciation and explain their meanings in Urdu. The new words will relate to the topic. Some of the new words are written below:1. Narrow Not broad2. Accident An unpleasant event3. Crash An accident in which a vehicle hits.4. Traffic Movement of persons or vehicles on the road.5. Goods Objects6. Fault Defect7. Bend Became curve8. Instead In place ofThese above words will be taught before reading the lesson. The teacher will give lots of reading practice to pronounce the words clearly and slowly. The teacher will ask the class to repeat after her, both collectively and individually. The teacher will use flash cards, or pictures to demonstrate the difference between roads and bridges, footpaths, corners, and other related words. Alternatively she may draw a big scene on the board, and ask related questions. (See picture attached).2nd Period: The teacher will call the students, one by one, to come to the front of the class and read one paragraph each, while others will be asked to explain what they have understood. And then the teacher will do model reading and explain the lesson. During the reading exercise, the teacher will check and correct their pronunciation. For home task the teacher will ask them to learn spelling of different words for dictation and w/m by heart.3rd Period: Written work of dictation will be done (10 or 15 words will be given for dictation). First ask the students to write on the green board. Then to do the same in class work copy. After that if any mistake happens, then the teacher will correct work in the class work copy. The teacher will ask the students to observe the condition of the roads in front of their own house / school, because they will discuss that in their next class.4th Period: Main words taught during the previous class will be asked. The students will be divided into groups of 5 each. One of the group member will write down the answers given by the other members. The teacher will ask: Was the condition of the road good or bad? Was the road paved? Narrow? Wide? Were there any puddles on the road? Were their any stalls erected on the footpath, road? Each Group leader will read out the numbers, while the teacher will draw a chart on the board. They will then discuss who is responsible to maintain the condition of the roads? (See chart attached herewith) The teacher will then ask the students to write a letter to the local councillor, drawing his attention to the bad condition of road in front of the school. The teacher will ask the students to pay attention to the rules of writing a letter, and to consult the chart on the board, as well as the word chart they had placed on the soft board, on their first day. She will tell the students that she will be checking their spelling, vocabulary, and sentence construction. 5th & 6th Period: W/m, q/a, (in the textbook) will be done and then further exercises will be taught and explained on the green board and then the students will be asked to do the exercises in their class work and some of exercise will be given for home work.c. Formative check (progress checks throughout the lesson) Throughout the lesson, the teacher will be asking guided questions. Textbook exercises will be done. Some true and false sentences will be asked.Teacher will assess their spellings, vocabulary, and sentence construction, through dictation, and letter-writing d. Student Participation (how you will get the students to participate) Throughout the lesson, the students will be active, because the teacher will be asking question. They will respond to the teacher's questions, do group work, and write a letter.e. Closure (how you will end the lesson) The students will be asked to do the exercises in their class work and some of exercise will be given for home work. They will be told that they will next learn about "Road Safety" (Unit 18)
EVALUATION PROCEDURES (how you will measure outcomes to determine if the material has been learned) Exercises: 1 to 5 will be done in class work. Ex-8 will be done orally. Exercises: 6,7 & 9 will be given for homework. And also give them to learn q/a and f/b at home.