Grade: Elementary
Subject: Language

#2916. Chicka Chicka Boom BOOM

Language, level: Elementary
Posted Sat Aug 16 21:58:12 PDT 2003 by Tara (
first grade, Sheridan
Materials Required: carpet tube, paper, balloons
Activity Time: varies
Concepts Taught: Phonemic Awareness

Here's one for Chicka chicka fans. Carpet tubes are usually available from carpet retail stores for free. I like to use the 12 footers, but there are also eight foot tubes as well.

Use the tube for your coconut tree trunck and add various shades of green paper cut into leaf shapes. Brown balloons make great coconuts. Use large die-cut letters and let the kids add them to the trunk with tape or glue. It is great fun to reinact the story while listening to it on tape. Be forewarned! Once it is up in your classroom, the students won't want you to take it down anytime soon!