Grade: Middle
Subject: Science

#2998. DDC (Disease and Disorder Conference)

Science, level: Middle
Posted Wed Dec 10 17:51:25 PST 2003 by J Lee (
MEMS, Manalapan USA
Materials Required: internet access (if available), media center/library, computer lab, paper, writing tools
Activity Time: varies
Concepts Taught: Life Science (diseases, research)

Name _____________________________ Science ______
Due Date __________________________ Research Project


What is DDC?

DDC is an acronym, which stands for the Disease and Disorder Conference.

This is a conference where both the presenters and the attendants are students.

DDC is a forum for students to present their researched information in a conference setting to other attending students.

This conference allows students to interact with one another on
an individual basis.

What you need to know about DDC.

Here's the situation!

This is a hypothetical situation.
The conference is being held to inform your neighborhood about a possible resurgence of your disease or disorder.

This conference is intended to warn the neighborhood of the possibility of the disease spreading very quickly in the neighborhood.

You will select one disease or disorder from the list and research for specific information.

Your research should provide the people (your neighbors and the attendants) with some basic information.

Requirements (Research Information)
Profile Sheet & Medical Report of Findings

I. Background Information - history

A. When was it first recognized? Be as specific as possible.
(If available.)
B. Did any major historical figures suffer from the
disease? If so, who?
C. What is the name of the scientist credited for discovery of the disease? (If available.)
D. Are there any interesting stories about the particular disease or disorder? (If available.)
E. Currently, are there any foundations, organizations, or support groups for patients of the disease? If so, who?

II. Symptoms -- signs that a person has the disease

A. List some physical or psychological symptoms.
(Be as specific as possible.)
B. Provide definitions for medical terms. Remember that most of the attendants will be civilians with little or no medical background.)
C. Describe different levels or stages of the disease.
(If available.)

III. Cause -- what lead to the disease

A. Is it caused by a microorganism? If so, which one?
A bacterium? A virus? A mold?
B. Is it caused by chemicals?
C. Is it caused by too much (excess/overabundance) of a particular vitamin or mineral? Or not enough of (insufficient/lack of) a vitamin or a mineral?
D. Is it genetically inherited? Can a newborn child be born with the disease because the mother suffered from the disease?
E. Can the disease spread? If so, how?

IV. Prevention methods or techniques

A. Is there a vaccination available?
B. Can we prevent the disease through a specific diet?
C. Can we prevent the disease from spreading?

V. Treatment (If one exists.)

A. Is there medication available to treat or cure the disease?
B. Is there an antibiotic for the disease or disorder?
C. Is therapy available for the disease?
D. Why couldn't it be treated in the past?

Required products of Science Research (Products to be submitted)

Notecards (required for Language Arts) Due: ____________

1. Designed to help organize researched information
2. Abbreviated responses to research questions
3. See sample for proper format

Work Cited Cards (required for Language Arts) Due: ____________

1. Designed to help organize and document all references and resources used during research
2. Step one of the research document process
3. See sample for proper format

Work Cited Page (required for Language Arts) Due: ____________

1. Designed to credit references and resources used during research
2. See sample page

Research Outline (required for Language Arts) Due: ____________

1. Designed to help you organize your collected data
2. Designed to assist you complete all required components of your research
3. Step three of the research document process

Research Profile Sheet (required for Science) Due: ____________

1. Notes from your research (notecards) categorized for the medical report of findings
2. Step two of the research document process

Medical Report of Findings (required for Science) Due: ____________

1. Designed to inform results of the research in formal document format (Science based writing)
2. To be written in paragraphs of no less than 5 sentences each
3. Each paragraph shall begin with an introductory statement, close with a summary/concluding statement, and provide ample support.
4. Final step (step four) of the research document process

Visual Product (required for Science) Due: ____________
(Select one of the following)

1. Flier/Handout/Pamphlet (letter -- size: 8 ½ " x 11"
unlined paper)
a. Brainstorm and design the layout of your flier
b. Must include all important information
c. Create a border to attract your attendant's attention.
d. May be typed or hand-written neatly
e. Color always attracts people!

2. Newsletter (letter -- size: 8 ½" x 11" unlined paper or legal
size: 8 ½" x 14" unlined paper)
a. Brainstorm and design the layout of your newsletter
b. Must include all important information
c. Create a catchy title and headline.
d. May be typed or hand-written neatly
e. Boldprint and exclamation marks attract people's attention!

3. Poster (Poster board of any color or size may be used.)
a. Brainstorm and design the layout of your poster
b. Must include all important information
c. Be creative!
d. May be hand-written neatly or typed and pasted
e. Think of a catchy logo or statement to lure your attendants!

4. Multimedia Presentation (Computer, video, audio. Etc.
must discuss with Director)
a. Brainstorm and design a storyboard or script
b. Must include all important information
c. Be creative!
d. Minimum of three minutes for presentation

Registration Process

1. To register for a particular disease, please select your top
five choices and rank them on the list.
2. DDC registration is a random assignment.
3. Once a disease or disorder has been designated to you, research may begin.
4. You will be provided in-school opportunities for research,
but the majority of the responsibilities are on your
own time. Your public library has a plethora of resources and the internet is also acceptable as a resource.
References and work citations

1. You are permitted to use the following: (> 5 resources )

a. Magazine articles
b. Newspaper articles
c. Internet articles
d. Informational pamphlets
e. Specialized encyclopedias (focusing on medicine or science)
f. Medical fact sheets

2. Works cited

a. A final draft of the works cited will be required.
b. See Works Cited Guide for proper format
c. All works cited entries must be in alphabetical order

My classes took two days to "rent" a hallway of the school to set up booths to share their findings.

Coordination with Language Arts teachers and/or any other subject teachers will help tremendously. What a great interdisciplinary activity.

** For actual copy of complete student research packet with borders and graphics or more current packet, please contact me via email. It is truly amazing what our kids are capable of producing when the assignment or even a research project is presented the right way!! Good luck.