Grade: Senior
Subject: History

#3009. Media Madness

History, level: Senior
Posted Sun Jan 4 14:07:09 PST 2004 by Gaile Wotherspoon (
Saskatoon, Canada
Materials Required: Instruction package, imagination
Activity Time: 3 weeks
Concepts Taught: exploring history through creating

History A10
Ms G. Wotherspoon

Media Madness Assignment

In order to aid students in an understanding of how the growth of democracy in the western world was important, the students will take a section of the Growth In Democracy chapter of the text. The students will do research and development of a project using one of the following media:

A) A video of the event as a news story;
B) An audiotaped radio news broadcast which will include news, sports and weather for that 'event';
C) A newspaper which will include headlines, articles and illustrations; or
D) a game which will include a game board, a rules book which will include the objectives of the game, a description of the purpose of the game, and all playing pieces.

Marks are based on components for the media chosen, work required to create that particular choice, an explanation of the 'period' covered, and why they chose that particular medium. Marks will also be given for creativity in presentation, the finished product and group assessment of participation.

Media Madness
History A10 Assignment
Ms. G. Wotherspoon

TOPIC: Growth of Democracy


1. Students will be divided into groups. Each group will select a specific aspect of democracy in a particular country. The aspect the group chooses must be agreed on by all members.

2. It must be a group effort. All members must contribute and members will assess each other's participation in accordance with the attached sheet.

3. The due date for the project is ________________. There will be no extensions.

4. Each group will give a bi-weekly progress report on the research they have found.

5. Each group may do a part of one of the following sections from this topic. The group's choice can not be the same as another group, so check to make sure no one else is doing it.

a) British Parliamentary reforms
b) The Irish question
c) Independence for Canada or Australia or New Zealand
d) France - Napoleon III or The Third Republic
e) U.S. - growth and change to the nation or
- rise of democracy in the U.S. or
- civil war - one aspect only or
- reconstruction and growth or
- movement into the world as a political power

History Research Group Assessment

Please fill in the following table for your group.
- Prepared means all members of the group were ready to work and did what they said
they would
- Contributed means they contributed in an obvious way to the project. Were they there for every meeting? Did they share some useful ideas?
- Conduct means they devoted themselves to the project. Did they fool around or did
they contribute to the group and what the group was trying to accomplish?

Give group members a mark out of 10 based on how well everyone contributed to the process and shared responsibility for the work done.

History A10
Ms G. Wotherspoon
Project A
The Video Production

The video production will contain the following:

Research information /10

Premise /5

Storyboard /10

Script /15

Video /40

Total marks /80

History A10
Ms G. Wotherspoon
Project B
Radio Broadcast

Research information /10

Storyboard /5

Script for:

news /10

sports /10

weather /5

Taped production /40

Total marks /80

History A10
Ms G. Wotherspoon
Project C

Research information /10

Newpaper format /15

Front page

- headlines /5

- feature articles /10

- illustrations/photos /5

Page 1 /10

Page 2 /10

Last page including advertising /10

Overall product /5

Total marks /80

History A10
Ms G. Wotherspoon
Project D

Research information /10

Concept /10

Objectives, rules /25

Game Board /20

Playing pieces /10

Explanation of purpose and process /5

Total marks /80