Grade: Senior
Subject: History

#3025. World War II Review

History, level: Senior
Posted Sat Jan 17 12:09:21 PST 2004 by Jonathan Nagy (
University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, PA, USA
Materials Required: Pencil or Pen, World Map, Plastic Army Men, Country worksheets, Country fact sheets
Activity Time: 20-25 minutes
Concepts Taught: Locations of Countries Involved in the War

Lesson Plan

Teacher ________J.Nagy________________________ Date ______10/15/03_________________
Class ________World History____________________________________ Grade Level _____9______
Unit ______World War II____________ Lesson ______Review of World War II_______________
PA Academic Standards 8.1.9.B.- Analyze and interpret historical sources; data in historical and contemporary maps, graphs and tables. 8.1.9.C. - Analyze the fundamentals of historical interpretation.
8.1.9.D -- Analyze and interpret historical research. 8.4.9.B -- Analyze historical documents, material artifacts and historic sites important to world history. 8.4.9.D -- Analyze how conflict and cooperation among social groups and organizations impacted world history in Africa, Americas, Asia and Europe.

Goal of this lesson:
To help the students review the information studied about World War II and to give them a hands-on look at how the world was at the time.

Pencil or Pen Notebooks
World Map
Plastic Army Men
Statue of Eisenhower
Country worksheets
Country fact sheets
Masking Tape
Globe Bookends
Cut-outs of country names
Cut-out of Axis and Allies

Clerical/Administrative Tasks
Take Roll
Make the worksheets and fact sheets -- cut apart fact sheets
Prepare questions to ask students
Set up the map and plastic army men

Instructional Objectives (Student-centered, observable, and precise statements of what students will be able to do)
1. TSWBAT describe the specific characteristics of the country assigned to them using the work sheet, fact sheet and the map.
2. TSWBAT categorize the countries involved in World War II into Axis and Allied Powers given the facts on
the work sheet and by placing the right color army soldier on the country on the map.
3. TSWBAT cooperate within their group and to help others in their group find the correct facts needed for their country and to decide what the name of each country is and what side of the war they were on.
4. TSWBAT, as a group, place the correct country names under the correct Axis or Allies heading using the papers with tape on the backs.
5. TSWBAT recite the name of their country, what side it is on and the facts listed about their country on the worksheets to their group.

Introduction (attention getter, anticipatory set, discrepant event, open-ended problem scenario, engagement)
The students will be getting situated in their seats. I will stand in front of the class and loudly say "Attention soldiers! Welcome to our World War II war room. This is 1945 and we will be discussing the events of the last 5 years and place our troop movements on the map. The information discussed here is a matter of national security and must be kept in the strictest confidence. We will also have a special guest joining us shortly to help us in our planning. If you are willing to accept these terms and to take part in this activity say, 'Sir, yes Sir!" (Wait for response). Say, "I can't hear you!" Make them repeat it. Say "One more time" Make sure they repeat it. Say "Ok, now that I know you are committed, let's get started with our planning." (2 minutes).

Developmental Activities (Instructional components that provide opportunities for students to make progress toward intended instructional objectives)

The students should at this point have a sense of excitement about the activity today. Remind them that I promised them that a special guest would be joining us. At this point I will pull out the statue of General Eisenhower and tell the students that he will be assisting us in our activity. I will ask some simple questions as I pass out the country worksheets. I will ask, "Do any of you remember the two sides of the war that we have discussed in the last couple of classes?" "Why is it called a 'World War'?" (1-2 minutes) MODELING :After each student has a country sheet, describe to them what they will be doing. Tell them that at different places around the room that have clues that will give them information about their country. Show them that the list of the country names that we have. SCAFFOLDING: Remind them that they have to work together to get the right information for their country. Tell them that they can help each other out with this exercise. Tell them that after they get their facts, to separate into the two groups of World War II. FADING: Have them discuss in their little group the facts that they found and decide if their facts are correct. COACHING: If they are correct, tell them to place the country name under the correct heading on the tape sheets on the board. (5-8 minutes). Once everyone has their countries on the correct side, bring everyone up around the map. Show them that Allied soldiers are green and Axis soldiers are white. Have the students place the correct color soldier on their country. Tell them to work together to get this task accomplished. Once everyone has the correct placement, tell them that General Eisenhower approves of their performance and declares them all winners in the war. (5-8 minutes).
IF TIME PERMITS: Use the map and have the students describe where areas of control were during the war.
Ask the students to clean up the materials and return to their seats (2-3 minutes). Once they have returned to their seats, ask them to get out their notebooks and a pen or pencil. Ask them if they have any questions about the activity that we did. (3-6 minutes). Ask them then if they have any observations they would like to make (2-5 minutes). Ask them to write down in their notebooks something that they learned from the activity. (3 minutes). After they are finished, remind them that we have a test the next day. Ask them if they have any questions or if there was anything that they would like to discuss before the test. Tell them that if there is anything that they are unsure about that now is the time to bring it up. (5-10 minutes). After they ask or don't ask questions, I will ask them some questions that I feel are important.
The questions will be:
"What are the two sides of the war?" AXIS AND ALLIED
"Who were the leaders of Germany, Italy, United States, Great Britain and Japan?" HITLER, MUSSOLINI, ROOSEVELT, CHURCHILL, HIROHITO
"Where did the Japanese attack the Americans?" PEARL HARBOR
"Where was the Allies massive invasion of France on June 6, 1944?" NORMANDY
"Who was the Allied commander of forces in Europe?" EISENHOWER
"Who was the Allied commander in the Pacific?" MACARTHUR
"What was the name of the government in France that Germany allowed them to keep?" VICHY FRANCE
"What wee the names of the two cities that the Americans dropped the atomic bomb on?" HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI
After asking these questions, remind the students to review their notes, worksheets, and quizzes for the exam. Emphasize that the exam will have multiple choice, matching and essay questions. (8-10 minutes)
IF TIME PERMITS: Have the students make a compare and contrast list in their notebooks about the similarities and differences between World War I and World War II. If time, discuss in class, if not, discuss on the day following the exam.

Assessment/Evaluation (How you and the students will know that they learned. May be formative or summative)

Watching the students work out the activity and cooperation between them will suffice for evaluation.
Also, make sure they know the answers to the questions asked and emphasize that similar questions will be on the exam.
The exam the following day will be further assessment

Conclusion (Closure; a planned wrap-up for the lesson)
Ask the students to put their notebooks away and listen attentively for a minute. Tell them that after the exam tomorrow, they are to begin writing the definitions from the next chapter. Remind them to bring their books tomorrow so that they can look up the definitions after the exam. Tell the students how proud I was of their cooperation today and I hope that they learned a lot from the activity.

Accommodations/Adaptations for Students with Special Needs
Make sure that the students desk is in front of the room. Do most of the question and answer part of the class in front of that student. Ask him specifically if he has any questions. Make sure that while doing the project that he is actively involved in the learning and not just a bystander.


Technology Integration

1. What I would do to integrate technology into the classroom if I only had one computer with projection capabilities would be to put the map on the screen and have the students come up and locate on the screen where their country would be instead of using plastic army men and the map.
2. If I had six computers in my classroom with a ratio of 1 computer to every 4 students would be to give them a few more clues about their countries and instead of giving them a list of possible answers I would have them look them up in groups on the computer.
3. If I had a computer for every student in the class I would direct them to go to and play the World War II quiz game to review.