Grade: Middle
Subject: Mathematics

#3044. Maverick

Mathematics, level: Middle
Posted Tue Feb 3 12:28:44 PST 2004 by koprivnikar (
UPJ, Johnstown PA
Materials Required: cards, movie maverick, tv, vcr
Activity Time: 40 min
Concepts Taught: probability

Lesson Plan

Teacher Mr. J. Koprivnikar___________ Date Tuesday, January 13, 2004____________________________
Class Math Topics____________________________________________ Grade Level 8____________
Unit Probability and Statistics Lesson Intro and Applications of Probability
PA Academic Standards 2.58 Invent, select, use and justify the appropriate methods materials and strategies to solve problems.
2.7.8 Analyze predictions
2.7.8 Make valid inferences, predictions and arguments based on probability

Goal of this lesson: To introduce probability
To show how probability can be applied in real situations
To learn the value of probability
To problem solve

Materials Television with VCR connected to it, Copy of the movie "Maverick", 3 decks of playing cards, 3 Dealer worksheets, 3 Mavrick worksheets, 3 Angel worksheets, 3 Commodore worksheets.

Clerical/Administrative Tasks
Take roll
Reserve TV and VCR
Copy worksheets.

Instructional Objectives (Student-centered, observable, and precise statements of what students will be able to do)
• TSWBAT make valid predictions on poker hands using probability
• TSWBAT recognize how to apply probability to real situations
• TSWBAT analyze their previous predictions and knowledge to create new predictions
• TSWBAT use different methods to problem solve for probability

Introduction (attention getter, anticipatory set, discrepant event, open-ended problem scenario, engagement)
Today, we are going to introduce the notion of probability by putting you in a real life situation and examining the situation accordingly. How many of you have seen the movie Maverick? Well our situation will have a little bit to do with that movie.

Developmental Activities (Instructional components that provide opportunities for students to make progress toward intended instructional objectives)

 First though we need to develop a definition for probability. In its simplest form probability is the number of occurrences plus the number of failures. For instance. . .
 Show example of probability of a coin toss
 Tell same example for a die
 Now, I am going to want you to apply that same knowledge towards your situation. Most of the questions are similar to the ones I just asked. However, I advise you to think and not be too hasty. Try use the deck of cards to help you through.
 Now we are going to watch a scene from Maverick. This is a clip from the last poker table.
 Play clip.
 Now I would like for you to get into groups of 3 or 4. I have worksheets for each character. Some of you may have to play the part of the dealer as well.
 Do not shuffle or rearrange these cards. Though, for our situations we are going to pretend that this is a random ordering of cards.
 The dealer is in charge of conducting the situation. I will be around to assist you guys with any questions that you may have
 Now what do you guys think. Do you think Maverick pulled the Ace of Spades? Can he win if he doesn't get it? Let's find out.
 Play rest of clip.
 Now we are going to go over how each of you solved you questions. Did you use the deck at all to help visualize the answers.
 Where there any impossible possibilities?
 What was the greatest probability that you got?
 Do you think that the probability of an event can be greater than 1
 If time permits I will have students demonstrate how they used the deck of cards to help solve the questions and whether or not it was helpful or not.
Assessment/Evaluation (How you and the students will know that they learned. May be formative or summative)
Check to see how they are working in their groups. Make sure that they are getting the correct answers. Q/A.

Conclusion (Closure; a planned wrap-up for the lesson)
Now for the rest of the probability lessons, some of the situations may not be as forthright as some of these are. The important thing is that for a lot of prob. Problems it is essential that you try to visualize the problem. Sometimes answers can be found without using fancy equations and so on. That being said, the equations are the only things that can be used because the scope of the problem is so big. Good Job to day and thanks for the cooperation.

Accommodations/Adaptations for Students with Special Needs
Student would sit near me so that I could give him or her special attention. If they could not work in the group setting I would provide them with a separate worksheet that would keep them occupied and check on them once in a while.

The worksheets can be made up by anyone as long as their probability deals with each particular person and they also pertain to probability.

Technology- If I were to incorporate technology into this lesson. I would probably project the movie on the screen via DVD for better quality being sure to mute the one bad word that is shown in the clip. I would also project the rules for poker on the screen while the students are working and possibly even the dealers worksheet since they contain the directions to the simulation. I would then allow the students to type there responses to each question on the electronic version of the worksheets that they have, so that it is easier for the class to see everybody's answers.