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Grade: Elementary
Subject: Science
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Lesson Plan
Teacher: Marilyn PanebiancoSubject Area: Science/Scientific Process
Grade Level: Fourth
Unit Title: Famous Inventors
Lesson Title: Introduction to Inventions and Recognizing the Scientific Processes
New York State Standards : ELA #4, MST# 1,2,4,6,7 The ARTS #2
Objectives: The students will agree on and construct an invention to the best of their creative ability using the teacher provided resources according to the teachers standards.
The students will identify four scientific processes during the experiment and log them on the teacher prepared ditto
The students will be able to work constructively in cooperative learning groups under the teacher's observational guidelines.
The students will complete the teacher prepared ditto for homework with 100% accuracy.
Materials/Resources Needed: A big box full of everything and anything(yarn, wire, buttons, metal things, plastic things, wood things, old pieces of anything to create an invention, pieces of cloth material, broken cell phone or remote control parts , cardboard old computer parts etc..)Scissors(24)empty milk cartons,or plastic bottles various sizes (24)colored construction per
glue,tape, stapler(7 each)Teacher prepared ditto of Process Skills description and checklist(7)Small tin can(7)Three small strips of paper in the tin can (3 per can)Ditto Match The Process Skill to The Definition(24)Greatest Inventor Awards (24)Anticipatory Set: My wife/husband cleaned out the garage this weekend: And as I was pulling out of the driveway to come to school today, I noticed on the curb all this great stuff.(dump the stuff out on the table) My wife/husband claims this stuff is junk.! I say it is resources. I suggest my emerging scientists can create something great from all this stuff.
Instructional Input: Some inventions are created to make tasks easier others to measure things etc . Teacher develops a graphic organizer on the board during a teacher guided brainstorming activity. The center of the web is "Areas of inventions" responses may include ( science, automobiles, gardening, household, school etc.) Divide students into seven groups of three in a circular model around a large table of "stuff" . Each group is to decide on an area in need of invention. For example (gardening) then each student in the group writes their idea on a piece of paper and puts it in the can at their center.(three ideas per can) One picks out the idea. That's what that group has to create. Students can circulate the large resource table and select x amount of things. Start with 3 per student, they can get more if needed later.
Model: Teacher displays pre-made model of the "Child-Homework-Check-A-Lator". Describe all the parts and their functions (use your imagination). Explain how you first observed all the unassembled parts, then you sorted them into classifications then how you predicted outcomes of its effectiveness and recognized symmetry of objects etc.
Check for Understanding: Teacher will circulate the room and observe each group's ability to work cooperatively on their ideas & transfer information to the logs. If there is a social problem teacher can assign roles i.e.: Official Scientific Transcriber, Official Scientific Glue Master etc.. Teacher can help students identify what process they are implementing if they are unaware they are implementing it. Teacher asks each group individually open ended questions to have then synthesize ,evaluate and elaborate on their inventionGuided Practice: The groups work independently for 23 minutes constructing their invention. As the students create their invention they must fill in the checklist of the scientific processes they are utilizing
Closure: Each group will briefly display and explain their invention as well as state at least four of the scientific processes they used from their check list.
Independent Practice: Homework ditto, Match The Scientific Process Skill To the Definition
Assessment: Creativity and construction of the idea/invention according to teacher's standards. Students ability to identify four scientific processes. Teacher observation of student ability to work cooperatively and constructively. Complete homework ditto.